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Which values ​​are critical and when does insulin have to be injected?

The number of people affected by so-called gestational diabetes is increasing worldwide, as research results recently published in the specialist journal show The Lancet were published. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), around 8.5 percent (around 63,000) of all pregnant women in Germany were affected by gestational diabetes in 2021, as it is also called in technical language.

But which of the different types of diabetes is this? Which blood sugar levels are critical and when does insulin need to be injected during pregnancy?

What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is, according to the Pharmacy look around It is a metabolic disorder that is often only discovered during normal maternity care, i.e. between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. Those affected have significantly elevated blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.

The reason is assumed to be the cause, write this Helios health magazinethat women’s metabolism is changed due to the changed hormonal balance during pregnancy.

Why is gestational diabetes dangerous?

If gestational diabetes is diagnosed, the high blood sugar levels should be counteracted with targeted measures. Because: Gestational diabetes poses risks for mother and child. The diabetes information portal diabinof.de lists a number of risks. Accordingly, the following complications could occur before and during birth:

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  • Urinary tract infections and vaginal infections
  • Premature labor with the increased risk of premature birth
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased protein excretion in the urine (preeclampsia)
  • An increased birth weight of the child, which in turn can result in a cesarean section or birth injuries

According to one, after the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, there is also a risk for the affected women Guideline sheet According to the German Diabetes Society (DDG) and the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG), there is an increased risk of developing diabetes. According to this, 35-60 percent of women develop blood sugar disease within 10 years, which corresponds to a 7- to 8-fold increased risk compared to glucose-tolerant pregnant women.

Gestational diabetes: Which values ​​are critical?

In order to diagnose gestational diabetes, common methods of diagnosing diabetes are used. The Charité Clinic for Obstetric Medicine in Berlin describes the procedure on their website Page as follows: “One hour after drinking 50 g of glucose dissolved in 200 ml of water, blood sugar is determined from venous blood plasma.”

When it comes to the results, certain limit values ​​are taken into account: On Blood sugar level of ≥ 135 mg/dl (≥ 7.5 mmol/l) is considered the first indication of gestational diabetes. For further clarification, another test, the so-called oral glucose tolerance test, is carried out. If one of the limit values ​​is exceeded after three different measurement times, the doctors diagnose gestational diabetes.

In pregnant women with a blood glucose level ≥ 200 mg/dl (≥ 11.1 mmol/l) in the test, the diagnosis of gestational diabetes is “made directly,” according to the clinic. But when is insulin therapy necessary?

Gestational diabetes: When do you have to inject insulin?

According to the Charité Clinic, after the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, a therapy mix consisting of physical activity, an adapted diet and blood sugar checks is initially ordered.

If the change in diet and the prescribed exercise do not work and the blood sugar levels continue to exceed the limits, according to the Lüneburg Heath Diabetes Center If necessary, treatment with insulin should be considered. According to the clinic, this applies to around 15 percent of women with gestational diabetes.

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