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Which Theory Is the Most Plausible for How the Solar System and Earth Were Formed? 5 Explanations Examined


The earth, which is currently the home of living things, was formed billions of years ago. The theory of the formation of the solar system and the earth is still often debated. Which theory is the most logical?

Quoting a book Geography Reveals Geosphere Phenomena for Class X SMA/MA by Ahmad Yani and Mamat Ruhimat (2007), many astronomers have proposed the theory of the formation of the solar system. One of them is Isaac Newton who gave a theory about the origin of this solar system. His theory of the law of gravity became the basis of various theories for the formation of the solar system and the earth.

In 1960, this theory developed into a monistic and dualistic theory. The monistic theory stated that the sun and planets came from the same material, while the dualistic theory stated that the sun and earth came from different material sources and were formed at different times.

The development of science makes the theory of the formation of the solar system more diverse. To quote Class X Geography High School Learning Module by Fitri Sekar Lestari, here are the theories for the formation of the solar system that you should know about.

5 Theory of the Formation of the Solar System and Earth

1. Gas Tidal Theory

The theory of gas tides was first introduced by James Jeans and Harold Jeffreys in 1918. This theory states that a large star approaches the sun at a close distance, causing tides on the body of the sun, which was still gas at that time.

When the star approaches, giant waves will appear on the sun’s body due to the star’s attraction. The waves form an incandescent tongue and then experience gas density and will eventually split into planets.

2. The Big Bang Theory

The big bang theory is the most famous theory. This theory says that the earth was formed from a big explosion. The formation of the earth in this theory is said to have occurred over tens of billions of years.

In the beginning, there was a giant wisp of mist rotating on its axis. The rotation caused the small and light parts of the mist to be thrown out so that they gathered into a giant disk. At one point, the huge lump exploded and formed galaxies and nebulae.

3. The Nebular Haze Theory

This nebula fog theory was put forward by Immanuel Kant in 1755 and perfected by Piere de Laplace in 1796. This theory is also known as the Kant-Laplace fog theory.

In this theory it is stated that in the universe there are gases that gather to form nebula fog. These gases exert a force of attraction so that a very large collection of fog is formed and rotates quickly. This rotation causes the fog material on the equator to be thrown and separated.

4. Planetesimal Theory

This theory was put forward by an American astronomer, namely Forest Ray Moulton and geologist Thomas C. Chamberlain. This theory says that the process of formation of the solar system began with the presence of large mass gas.

At one point, another star of nearly the same size passed close to the sun and then collided with one another. As a result, gas and light matter at the edges of the sun and stars are attracted. The ejected material forms clumps called planetesimals.

These planetesimals cooled and condensed until they eventually became planets that circled the sun.

5. The Twin Star Theory

Another theory of the formation of the universe is the twin star theory. According to Raymond Arthur Lyttelton, an astronomer and inventor of this theory, it states that galaxies are a combination of twin stars.

One of the stars exploded and caused a lot of material to be thrown. Because a star that doesn’t explode has a strong gravitational force, it causes the scattering of other star explosion fragments to surround the star.

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