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Which supermarkets are open in Santo Stefano: where to buy tampons

Some supermarkets they have decided to remain open even on holidays. Not the Esselunga chain which has decided to lower the shutters until Monday 27 December. Others, however, have chosen to work anyway, offering not only food products but also anti-Covid tampons which have a lower cost than those sold in pharmacies.

The supermarkets open today

The Carrefours, also open on the morning of Christmas Day, will repeat today, Santo Stefano, with timetables opening all day long. Closed yesterday, today some Pam supermarkets will also reopen and they will be able to choose more or less long working hours. For example Bologna Marconi and Castel San Pietro, Milano sabotino and Olona, ​​Genova Chiaravagna, Torino Racconigi will be open from 9 to 20, while they will have reduced hours, from 9 to 13, Milano Forze Armate and Milano Stringelli, and from 9 to 14, as for example Genova Manuzio. Better inform yourself first if your store will be open or closed. As regards the Conad group, on the other hand, the hours during the holidays are decided at the territorial level.

Coop’s choice

While the 1,100 Coop supermarkets were all closed at Christmas, it will not be the same for the day of Saint Stephen. But beware, only six Hypercoops will open in Lombardy: Mondovicino in Mondovì in the province of Cuneo, Gran Rondò in Crema; Sarca Center in Sesto San Giovanni in the province of Milan; Cremona; Brescia Flaminia and Fiorfood in Turin Galleria San Federico. And twelve small supermarkets in Rome.

In the meantime, however, in recent days there has been a boom in purchases in the departments of gastronomy. The data was revealed by the Observatory of the ‘Il Gigante Supermarkets’, a large-scale retail group which has 70 points of sale. From what emerged, compared to the same period in 2020, that is the week between 14 and 21 December, the growth was equal to 25%. Probably also the many cancellations to restaurants have directed the population to refuel in supermarkets to put traditional dishes on the table that cannot be missing on the tables of Italians during the holidays. Confesercenti had predicted that the majority of Italians, as many as 72%, would celebrate the holidays at home, with friends and relatives, and that two out of three Italians (66%) would turn to tradition. But also vegan dishes, which will appear on 10% of the tables, and organic or zero km ones, chosen by 5%.

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