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Which saint is celebrated today, Thursday, August 29? The complete list of saints

Juan Bautista is a male name of native origin. hebrewwhat does it mean ‘God is merciful and is the one who baptizes‘. Today, in Spain, 10.840 men celebrate their saint’s day thanks to Saint John the Baptist.

John the Baptist is mentioned in the four canonical gospels In addition to the non-canonical of the Nazarenes. The Gospels synoptics (from Matthew, Mark and Luke) describe the baptism of Jesus. In the Gospel of John there is a tacit mention of the fact (John 1:32-34).

He Gospel of Mark presents him as the fulfiller of a prophecy of Isaiah (which is actually a collection of phrases from Second Isaiah, the Book of Exodus, and the Book of Malachi). This prophecy He spoke of a messenger who went before him and of a voice crying in the desert. He tells how John wore a cloak of camel’s hair and ate wild honey and grasshoppers. John proclaimed the baptism of the repentant for the forgiveness of sins. sins. According to MarcosThe Baptist said that another would come after him who would not baptize with water, but with the Holy Spirit.

The account of the Gospel of Matthew contains the prophecy of Isaiah, and the information of the Book of Malachi and from the Book of Exodus is mentioned by Jesus himself later. John’s description comes directly from the Gospel of Mark: “a robe made of camel’s hair, a leather belt around his waist, and his food was grasshoppers and wild honey,” along with the announcement that the one who would come later would baptize with the Holy Spirit “and fire” (Matthew 3:1-12)

He Gospel of Luke narrates the miraculous conception of Elizabeth, wife of Zechariah (Luke 1:7-9), who was barren, both elderly and childless. This gospel may define Elizabeth as sterile because she had already gone through menopause. John the Evangelist describes John the Baptist as “a man sent from God” who “was not the light” but who “came as a witness to bear witness to the light, so that through him all might believe” (John 1:6-8). John the Baptist He clearly denied being the Christ, Elijah or “the prophet,” and instead defined himself as “the voice crying in the wilderness.”

This and other saints are celebrated on August 29th:

Saint Adelphus of Metz

Saint Mederico of Autumn

St. Seb of England

Saint Victor of Nantes

Saint Basil of Sirmium

Saint Sabina of Rome

Saint Teresa Bracco

Blessed Bronislava of Krakow

Blessed Mary of the Cross Jugan

Beata Sancha Szymkowiak

Blessed Constantine Fernandez Alvarez

Beata Domingo Jedrzejewski

Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice

Blessed Francisco Monzon Romeo

Blessed Luis Vulfilocio Huppy

Beato Ricardo Herst

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