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Which non-specific symptoms indicate a fatty liver

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Fatty liver disease is a silent threat to health because it does not cause pain but can have serious consequences. What signs indicate the disease.

In Germany, fatty liver disease, also known as steatosis hepatis, is a widespread disease. There are two types, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) and alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFL), and it is often not easy to distinguish between them. The causes of fatty liver disease are varied and often occur in combination: unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity, regular to heavy alcohol consumption and Diabetes mellitus. When the liver has to process more toxins and fats than it can break down or store, fat is stored in the liver tissue. This increases the risk of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and other complications such as high blood pressure. About a third of adults develop an enlarged liver due to excess fat storage, and the trend is increasing. Even one in three overweight children develops fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease: what symptoms indicate it?

If you feel very tired and exhausted for a long period of time despite getting enough sleep, it is best to seek medical advice – a simple blood test with appropriate liver values ​​could provide information. © lev dolgachov/Imago

A fatty liver often does not cause any clear symptoms for a long time. Possible non-specific symptoms are often not associated with the liver. If the fatty liver is more advanced, functional tissue dies and blood circulation is inadequate. The fatty liver can then lead to the dreaded liver cirrhosis, which is often accompanied by non-specific symptoms:

  • Constant exhaustion: Fatigue and general weakness are often early symptoms.
  • Verlust des Appetits: Many sufferers report a significant loss of appetite.
  • Unintentional weight loss: Unintentional loss of body weight can occur without an explainable cause.
  • Unpleasant feeling of pressure: Pressure or discomfort in the upper abdomen may be an indication of a damaged liver.
  • Itchy skin: A increasing itching of the skin may also indicate impaired liver function.
  • Trembling of the muscles: Muscle tremors or so-called tremors can indicate advanced liver disease.
  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) often occurs with serious liver problems.
  • Liver stars under the skin: Small, visible blood vessels, especially on the face and arms, are often a sign of fatty liver disease.
  • Shiny red tongue: The so-called raspberry or lacquer tongue, a red, shiny, smooth tongue, can indicate liver cirrhosis, such as the German Liver Aid e. v. informed, and is an alarm sign of impending liver failure.

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Oatmeal for fatty liver disease: Why you should eat the grain regularly

If you want to get your fatty liver under control naturally, oat days are an effective method. Oatmeal is rich in fiber and helps the liver burn fat. It is particularly effective if you have at least once a week – better yet three to four times – a so-called oatmeal treatment insert. On these days you should only prepare oatmeal with water or fat-free vegetable stock, but not with milk – supplemented with light side dishes such as fruit or vegetables. This promotes liver regeneration and helps break down excess fat.

Can fatty liver disease be cured?

A regression or cure of the liver disease, which has been without symptoms for a long time, is not yet possible with medication, according to German Liver Foundation e. v. However, obesity can regress through four factors such as a consistent change in diet, controlled weight loss, regular exercise and alcohol avoidance.

Since fatty liver is largely caused by poor nutrition, especially in the form of high carbohydrate consumption, it is advisable and important to reduce the consumption of bread, pasta, rice, pastries and puff pastry products. The so-called Logi-Method (Low Glycemic and Insulinemic Diet) can be helpful for changing your diet. This will make the Blood sugar and insulin levels kept low and relieves the liver. When choosing carbohydrates, special attention should be paid to fiber, such as whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta and whole-grain rice. The basis of the Logi diet consists of vegetables (rhubarb, carrots, peppers, potatoes, broccoli), unsaturated fats (nuts, legumes, eggs, fish) and vegetable oils (olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, safflower oil) as well as fruits with a low fructose content ( Avocado, strawberries, blackberries, clementines, plums).

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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