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Which new hospitals will be built in Romania with the money of the PNRR and which old hospitals will have new premises, buildings, departments and pavilions

The list of 42 hospitals in Romania eligible for funding from the PNRR, under the tender for hospital infrastructures, was published on Wednesday by the Ministry of Health. The money would be used to build new hospitals, but also for hospital buildings, pavilions or new wards. The selection of the 42 hospitals is only a first step. Of these projects, only 25 will be chosen as winners in the end and will receive funding.

HospitalPhoto: Tommaso79 | Dreamstime. com

The list of 42 hospitals eligible for funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, hospital infrastructure tender (source: Ministry of Health):

  • 1. Construction of a new organism – Department of Maternal and Child Health, St. Apostle Andrei County Emergency Clinical Hospital, Constanţa.
  • 2. Giurgiu Provincial Emergency Department – ​​new stage I hospital (oncology and neurology departments).
  • 3. Construction of a new headquarters for Piatra Neamț County Emergency Hospital, Neamț County, with innovative functions and technologies for climate protection and digitization.
  • 4. Construction of the Medical Pavilion D+P+3E – Construction of the III Pulmonology Pavilion within the Pneumoftisiology Clinical Hospital.
  • 5. Construction of a new polytraumatic operative medicine pavilion D=P=4E, access road and networks in barracks 646, Brașov (MApN).
  • 6. Operational medicine-polytrauma pavilion at the 1053 Craiova barracks (MApN).
  • 7. Bistrita Emergency County Hospital – expand the hospital pavilion by constructing a new building.
  • 8. Construction of obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology, pediatric surgery and pediatrics departments, Arad – new units.
  • 9. Construction of a new pavilion for polytraumatic surgical block in barracks 1044 Sibiu (MApN).
  • 10. Arad County Emergency Hospital – new radiotherapy department.
  • 11. Investment works and interventions in barracks 705, Pitesti (MApN).
  • 12. Construction and furnishing of a building for infectious diseases and pulmonology departments, Oradea.
  • 13. Timișoara Regional Institute of Oncology (DSP Timiș).
  • 14. Construction of the hospital wards n. 2 of Vaslui.
  • 15. Expansion of wings A1, A4 of the Emergency Hospital of the University of Bucharest with height regime S+P+3E.
  • 16. Arad Emergency County Hospital – rehabilitation of cardiovascular medicine hospital services.
  • 17. Construction, equipment and arrangement of Buftea Obstetrics-Gynecological Hospital and dismantling of existing buildings (C1-C15), relocation of oxygen station and relocation of water house.
  • 18. Completion of the design and execution of the Bacău Municipal Pavilion and its integration into the medical complex of the Bacău County Emergency Hospital.
  • 19. Hospital construction and related functions for the Dr. Teodor Andrei municipal hospital in Lugoj.
  • 20. Radiotherapy Laboratory Pitesti County Emergency Hospital.
  • 21. Construction and equipment of the Regional Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine of Iași.
  • 22. Municipal Polyclinic, specialization in cardiology and oncology, Constance – new hospital.
  • 23. Construction of a multi-organ transplant center within the Sfânta Maria Clinical Hospital, through the construction of a new building block – Bucharest.
  • 24. Establishment and creation of a Center of Excellence in Oncopediatrics within the Dr. Victor Gomoiu Clinical Children’s Hospital, Bucharest.
  • 25. Construction of a pediatric psychiatry center within the Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia Clinical Psychiatry Hospital, Bucharest.
  • 26. Expansion of the Philanthropia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital by constructing a new building in Bucharest.
  • 27. Zerlendi Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment Center (Marius Nasta Institute of Pneumoftisiology), Bucharest – new hospital.
  • 28. New headquarters of the MAI Emergency Hospital “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota”.
  • 29. Quality medical services through the construction and equipping of a new maternity hospital within the Timișoara Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital.
  • 30. New building: Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. CC Iliescu, Bucharest.
  • 31. Construction of ClujNapoca Children’s Emergency Clinical Hospital.
  • 32. Construction of the Cluj Multi-Organ Transplant Center.
  • 33. Construction of a Cardiovascular Surgical Center at the Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases and Transplants in Târgu Mureș.
  • 34. Provincial Emergency Department of Alba Iulia – transfer and modernization of the onology department and establishment of an interventional cardiology department.
  • 35. Completion of the Children’s Emergency Clinical Hospital by equipping it with medical equipment – Louis Țurcanu Children’s Emergency Clinical Hospital in Timisoara.
  • 36. Construction of a main building by extension and building of floors O and P, for the setting up of the day hospital – Târgu Mureș County Emergency Clinical Hospital.
  • 37. Braşov Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases and Pneumoftisiology – a new set of buildings.
  • 38. Recompartmentalization of the existing building and extension with a new body – neurosurgery clinical section – cerebrovascular pathology and neurosurgery center at the Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital.
  • 39. Provincial Emergency Department of Alba Iulia – construction and outfitting of the chronic psychiatry ward.
  • 40. Alba Iulia Provincial Emergency Department – Construction and preparation of the infectious diseases section.
  • 41. Expansion, consolidation and C3 Laboratory building plan, for the construction of a hybrid room and medical analysis laboratory, in order to create an integrated system for patient care and treatment.
  • 42. “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” Balotești Hospital – modernization of infrastructure.

Rejected Projects:

  • 1. Focșani Emergency County Hospital, Vrancea – new hospital.
  • 2. Construction of Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital.
  • 3. Construction of the Brașov regional emergency hospital.
  • 4. Expansion, modernization and equipment of the Sant’Apostolo Andrei Provincial Emergency Clinical Hospital in Galati.

The list of projects is available on the Ministry of Health website.

Photo: Dream time. com.

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