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Which is Better: ICE or Electric Motor? – | Dialogue.UA

European countries, one after another, announce the cessation of the production and use of cars with internal combustion engines.

There is a good reason for this – classic cars running on gasoline and diesel have a serious competitor. They became electric cars, which, thanks to the efforts of such well-known developers as Elon Musk, are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, the supporters of the ICE are not going to give up their positions at all. In their opinion, electric vehicles are not so attractive, and they also have disadvantages. So which of them is right, and which is ultimately better – an internal combustion engine or an electric motor? Looking for an answer together!

Pros and cons of internal combustion engines

More than a century of history of the internal combustion engine has led to the fact that from an unpromising, bulky and uneconomical unit, it has become the leader in the automotive market. For many decades, the internal combustion engine remained the only available option for the power unit, and there was no talk of any alternative. The characteristics of engines running on diesel and gasoline suited both motorists and manufacturers. This is not surprising, because internal combustion engines have a lot of advantages:

  • They have impressive power, which is usually expressed in kilowatts and horsepower. Learn more about the relationship between them here;
  • – due to the wide distribution of classic internal combustion engines have become as accessible as possible. The same advantage significantly reduces the cost of repairs and maintenance;
  • – during the operation of the internal combustion engine, heat is released, which is used to heat the passenger compartment in the winter;
  • -cars with internal combustion engines are as convenient as possible, since a car can drive an impressive distance on a full tank. There are also no problems with gas stations along the way, and the process itself takes only a few minutes.

Another positive point is that modern engines are quite compact.

Of course, classic power units have their drawbacks, and there are many of them.

  • – The main disadvantage is low efficiency, which is from 30 to 50%, depending on the engine model.
  • -Another disadvantage of internal combustion engines is toxicity. When gasoline and diesel are used as fuel, a large amount of harmful emissions enter the atmosphere, which litter the environment.
  • – The cost of buying fuel from owners of cars with internal combustion engines is quite high. Considering that prices for this resource have been unstable lately, this can be a serious problem.

Electric motor: advantages and benefits

Despite the fact that for a huge number of motorists the electric motor remains a “dark horse”, we can already say with confidence that the future belongs to this type of power unit. The gradual transition to them is due to an impressive number of advantages.

  • – The number of parts of the electric motor subject to wear is approximately 30% less than in the internal combustion engine. This means that the service life of the electric motor is higher, and the need for repairs is lower.
  • – The efficiency of the electric motor is 85-90%.
  • -Cars with this type of engine are safer. The reason for this is that when designing a car, the most advanced technologies are used, including the latest security systems.
  • – Electric cars are one of the most environmentally friendly types of transport. They do not contain combustion products that can pollute the atmosphere.
  • – Almost absolute noiselessness of work is another argument in favor of the electric train.
  • – And the most important aspect is economy. Charging the engine from the network costs the owners much cheaper than refueling at gas stations.

Despite the impressive list of advantages, an electric car cannot be called an ideal solution in all respects.

  • -The range of electric vehicles is still insufficient. This makes such cars a suitable solution for trips within the city, but for long trips it is still better to choose a car with an internal combustion engine.
  • Batteries remain the weak point of vehicles with an electric motor. Over time, their capacity decreases, due to which the already insufficient cruising range becomes less and less. Of course, the battery can be replaced, but its price will unpleasantly surprise the owner.
  • – The gas station infrastructure is developing more slowly than the electric cars themselves. This means that not every gas station has a charging station, and it will probably take a long time to solve this problem. Another disadvantage is that the refueling procedure takes a lot of time.

As you can see, both internal combustion engines and electric motors have advantages and disadvantages. However, the gradual movement of progress towards the development of environmentally friendly technologies indicates that the era of cars with internal combustion engines is gradually coming to an end.

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