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which guests to find at the Festival du Livre 2021?

Through Alexandre Chavance

From September 17 to 19, Nice will host its traditional Book Festival. Under the leadership of the authors Franz-Olivier Giesbert, artistic director, and Jacques Julliard, honorary president, more than 200 writers will be present in the Riviera city.

The power of words in Nice! Like every year, the city hosts its Book Festival. Nearly 200 authors will be gathered from September 17 to 19, in the Albert-1er garden. A large number of distinguished guests are expected.

Amelia Nothomb

ActuaLitté – Amélie Nothomb – Book on the Place de Nancy

Author of Belgian origin, Amélie Nothomb has used to publish one book a year since her first book, in 1992. This year, she presents her latest novel: First blood.

In Nice on September 16, she will dedicate her works to the Center Universitaire Méditerranéen (CUM) at 4 p.m.

Jacques Julliard

Photo : Matthieu Riegler, CC-by

Honorary President of this edition of the Book Festival, Jacques Julliard comes to present his book Unpublished Notebooks 1987–2020. History, politics, literature.

The newspaper columnist Marianne will be at the bandstand in the Albert-1er garden on Friday, September 17 from 4 p.m.

Maude Fontenoy

Photo : DR

The sailor from Meaux, ambassador to the Ministry of National Education, will meet her readers on Friday at 10:15 a.m. in the Albert-1er garden. She will present her book there The sea to the rescue of the earth.

Alessandra Sublet

Photo : DR

The radio and TV host is also one of the Festival’s guests.

She will be available from 4 p.m. on Friday, September 17 on the Trois Grâces stage in the Albert-1er garden for the discovery of her work: Fuck Cinderella.

David Lisnard

Photo: City of Cannes

The mayor LR of Cannes will make a visit to the debate area on Friday at 5 p.m., for his book Culture will save us. This is one of his rare jumps in the Riviera capital, as his relationship with Christian Estrosi is… complicated.

Xavier de Moulins

Photo : DR

The journalist and news presenter on M6 will be in the debates area on Saturday, September 18 from 11 a.m. to discuss The novel in all its forms.

Michel Onfray

michel onfray nice
Photo: DR, Michel Onfray

Philosopher, essayist and polemicist, Michel Onfray will present his latest book: The art of being French. He will be on site on Saturday at the Bandstand from 2 p.m.

Philippe Torreton

Photo : TF1

The actor Philippe Torreton will be at the debates area on Saturday for a meeting-reading of his book A certain reason to live. The session will start at 2 p.m.

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Photo : Roberto Frankenberg, DR

The Franco-Belgian writer, former lecturer at the University of Savoy, will be installed at the Bandstand from 3:30 p.m. on Saturday 18 to present his book. The passage of time.

Franz-Olivier Giesbert

Photo: France Télévisions, DR

Journalist and columnist, Franz-Olivier Giesbert will be among the great guests of the Book Festival. Former editor-in-chief of New Observer, then from Point (he left the editorial management of Provence this summer), he will be present on Saturday from 4 p.m. in the debates area to talk about his recent book: Nothing but a beast.

Marc Jolivet

Marc Jolivet
Photo: screenshot France 2

Director, screenwriter or actor, Marc Jolivet will share his work with the public. Memoirs of an aristocrat. Meet on Saturday at 4:45 p.m. in the debates area.

Nathalie Saint-Cricq

Photo: screenshot France 2

The journalist from France 2 will make the presentation of I will help you live, you will help me die, his latest book. A moment to experience on Sunday, September 19 from 11 a.m. in the debate area.

Gilles Kepel

Photo : F. Mantovani / Editions Gallimard

Specialist in the Arab world, political scientist Gilles Kepel will be present with his book The Prophet and the Pandemic. The meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. at the Trois Grâces stage.

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