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Which Foods Should Never Be Stored in the Freezer? Find Out Here!

Entered 2024.02.08 17:30 Entered 2024.02.08 17:30 Modified 2024.02.08 13:19 Views 21,926 Mayonnaise, cheese, dairy products, vegetables with high moisture, etc. are not suitable for frozen storage because their texture and taste may change. [사진=클립아트코리아]

There are many people who always freeze leftover food. This is because food can be stored for a long time without spoiling when stored in the freezer. However, not all foods are suitable for freezing. This is because many foods change in shape, texture, and taste when frozen. In particular, mayonnaise, cheese, dairy products, and vegetables with a lot of water are not suitable for frozen storage because their texture and taste may change. Find out which foods should never be stored in the freezer.


◆ Raw eggs piled up in their shells

If raw eggs are frozen and stored with the shell intact, the surface of the egg cracks during some process. When the egg breaks, bacteria attached to the shell or in the air penetrate. If you want to freeze eggs, you must crack the shell in advance, then place it in a container and store it in the freezer.

◆ Vegetables with high moisture

Crunchy vegetables such as celery, lettuce, and cucumbers have a lot of water and freeze easily at low temperatures. The moment vegetables freeze, the cell walls rupture and the tissue is damaged. Fresh vegetables are transformed into mushy and mushy forms. Color, taste, and aroma also deteriorate. However, pickled or fermented vegetables can be stored in the freezer. Fresh tomatoes can also be stored frozen if you plan to cook them after thawing. However, if you plan to eat tomatoes raw after thawing, you should avoid storing them in the freezer.

◆ Coffee

Fresh roasted coffee beans that have not yet been opened can be stored in the freezer for about a month. However, once opened, it should not be refrigerated. Coffee beans that have been repeatedly thawed and frozen retain moisture. And this moisture absorbs unpleasant odors from the freezer, deteriorating the taste and aroma of coffee.

◆ Mayonnaise

Foods that are made by mixing two liquids with an emulsifier, such as mayonnaise or salad dressing, separate into water and oil when frozen. Dishes made with mayonnaise or salad dressing should likewise not be frozen.


◆ Potato

If you freeze potatoes raw, their color changes and their original texture disappears. Cooked potatoes also become crispy and lose their flavor, so it is best not to freeze them.

◆ Chunk of cheese

When frozen in the freezer, hard cheese chunks are transformed into a crumbly form. This means that it becomes difficult to slice or cut into pieces. If you are planning to keep it frozen, it is convenient to freeze it in a pre-cut state for future use.

◆ Dairy products with a soft texture

Soft and soft dairy products such as sour cream, cottage cheese, and whipped cream are separated into milk fat and moisture during the freezing process in the freezer. The water deforms into a floating form, making it difficult to enjoy the proper taste.

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2024-02-09 13:24:12

#freeze #leftovers.. #foods #avoid #freezer

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