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Which brands have benefited from pre-filled baskets? / The distribution

Casino, premier on the spot

Even before the announcement of the containment, the urban proximity signs of the Casino, Monoprix and Franprix group implemented this basket system. Usually hyper-connected, they used an at least “archaic” solution: the telephone. ” Our priority target was seniors and frail people who could not or did not want to go to the store, justifies the spokesperson for these brands. However, one in two elderly people is not familiar with the internet. This is why the establishment of a toll-free number seemed to us more interesting.

On April 9, four weeks after the service started, Franprix announced 664 baskets delivered to 568 customers. 130 stores then offered the service, with two sizes of baskets. At Monoprix, daily orders reached up to 500 units before falling between 50 and 100, for 241 stores involved. With three basket sizes, from 30 to 45 €. In each brand, only the stores already dedicated to delivery preparation offer the service.

B to B above all at Cora

Two motivations pushed us to offer smart baskets, Explain Vincent Levy, director of e-commerce and cross-channel at Cora. The first, to provide consumers with essential products to relieve congestion and cope with a possible forced closure of stores. The second, to meet a rural need to feed the elderly and frail who do not necessarily have the opportunity to move.

The initiative, then generalized to a dozen stores, started with a request from a town hall to supply its senior residents. Then, from a B to B service, this basket system was opened to the general public, always with the need to come and collect its “smart basket” in stores. Subsequently, other extensions have involved partners like Too Good To Go, Yper, Deliveroo or Shopopop for collaborative delivery.

The brand announces that it has sold a few hundred baskets, the majority of them with town halls and social centers. ” Personally, I don’t think the model will endure after confinement “Confides Vincent Levy. However, two weeks before the end of confinement, the brand began to test thematic baskets (butchery, fruit and vegetables, etc.) which give the customer more flexibility without weighing down the logistics.

Carrefour, toujours in the deployment phase

It was certainly the most successful solution of all, with a dedicated website. As of March 23, Carrefour revealed the Essentials, pre-filled baskets on several themes, delivered to your home. First land, sea and veggie for food formulas.

Later, extensions for pets, for babies, for maintenance and even baskets made entirely of cheese or in partnership with the latest start-ups acquired by the group: DejBox and Potager City. Enlargements which therefore send rather encouraging signs.

Two weeks after its launch in France, the model is resumed in Italy, with Gli essenziali. First in Turin and Milan, and quickly throughout the Boot. So the sauce does not take as well in France. Here, the service still only concerns Paris and its immediate suburbs. A variation on fresh products only (butcher, fruit and vegetables, seafood), delivered 3 days a week, is now available for the departments of Rhône, Saône-et-Loire, Ain, Isère, Loire, Gironde, Landes , Lot-et-Garonne, Dordogne and Charente-Maritime. The brand had however announced a deployment to come in 32 complementary agglomerations from April 1 (ex: Marseille, Caen, Dijon, Nîmes, Brest, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier).

Nous Antigaspi believes in it

Started timidly, first to support the nursing staff, the proposal for pre-filled baskets at Nous Antigaspi has grown. The offer is now aimed at all customers of the eight stores in the network who distribute products that are outside the traditional distribution channels (with default or short DLC).

In one month, the brand received nearly 400 orders for baskets of € 15 and € 25 on its site developed in an emergency. Half of them are picked up at points of sale, the other half are delivered to homes. ” Orders have stabilized after a strong start, explains Chloé Schwizgebel, communications officer. We wish to perpetuate the service and are currently developing a new version of our website. The solution allowed the network to support activity in the face of lost traffic, but also allowed inventory to flow for its stores with shorter DLCs.

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