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which are the most reliable financial companies to request loans

Many times when we have financial problemswe are looking for a site that can provide us with some economic resource or loan that allows us to get out of a debt or a difficult momentHowever, many criminal groups take advantage of people’s vulnerability and carry out fraud.

When we find ourselves in a difficult situation where we need money fast, it is easy to fall into financial assumptions that approve an express loan with minimum requirements to verify. A dangerous situation where we can fall

According to figures from the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef), it identified more than 174 supplanted institutionsa figure that rises when compared to those known as ‘financial duckling’.

In these cases, the financial assumptions are not regulated by the Condusef, nor for the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV)what the financial authorities that give legal certainty to customers that credit institutions are real.

How can I know if a finance company is legal?

There are many signs that can alert Internet users about the veracity of financial companiesfor example, the seriousness of an institution such as the reference it has with clients, the lack of physical branches or address, contract or even that they ask you for money before they lend you the requested amount, however, one of the safest is to communicate to the Condusef.

Request support from Condusefthey will search through their trade name or company name if the company is registered in the System of the Registry of Providers of Financial Services (SIPRES)being a directory of all finance companies registered with the commission.

With this service, which is completely free, the Condusef will inform you of the legal status of the company, the registration key, the sector to which it belongs, the address, even the company’s articles of incorporation and name of its officers.

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Among the types of companies that you can find are:

  • Banks
  • Sofomes
  • Socaps
  • credit repair companies
  • Afores
  • Insurers
  • brokerage firms
  • Exchange houses, etc.

In case you can’t find financial records you want to consult, which means that it is not a regulated institution and with this you can run the risk of being a victim of fraud, to access SIPRES, you can go directly to the website or call the Condusef 55 53 400 999.

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