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Whether and how many politicians and judges disappear from the signal for secret money and property

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The topic for the list, for which reminded Sasho Dikov on Sunday – with the undeclared properties and assets abroad of Bulgarians in power, again analyzed in the last week by politicians, ministers, ex-chief prosecutors.

Whether and how many politicians and judges disappear from the signal for secret money and property

According to a former high-ranking source from the Ministry of Interior, the story was briefly as follows.

Years ago in Bulgaria a signal was received from another partner country with the names of our compatriots, for whom discrepancies and data for properties and funds not declared in their official documents were found. Which is the sending country and the year in which the explosive shipment arrived in Sofia, the memories also differ.

It is possible that this is Germany, which around 2009-2010 sent to Bulgaria data with similar information. The financial authorities in Berlin at the time had launched a large-scale operation to check Germans with undeclared accounts abroad. Among them were Bulgarians. It was even officially announced that the then head of the National Revenue Agency, Krassimir Stefanov, had been sent to Berlin to personally receive the information on disk. So far, no one has officially confirmed that this is the Berlin saga.

At the same time – 2009, and in Switzerland began to discuss drastic changes regarding banking secrecy. Swiss banks, which have so far been a peaceful haven for wealthy people around the world, have reacted sharply to the intention for more transparency and documentary evidence of the origin of funds.

It is very likely that the signal came from Switzerland. And the number of people in it, the dispute is heavy.

From what the former Interior Ministry employee, who is our source, remembers, the current Interior Minister Boyko Rashkov is almost right in the first digit of the names on the list. They were 72.

In the period 2013-2019, the Chief Prosecutor is Sotir Tsatsarov. In an interview with “24 Chasa” the current chairman of the anti-corruption commission said: “On May 13, 2019 I sent a letter to the chairman of SANS, requesting all available information in the agency concerning persons holding senior public positions and related persons – for bank accounts, real estate, other property of significant value, participation in commercial companies and investments abroad, incl. offshore companies that are not declared in accordance with the relevant legal order ”.

According to Tsatsarov, the reference contains information about 38 names.

The list starts circling around the SANS and NRA institutions and inspections are underway. It is not clear whether and where the politicians fell on the road from this signal, and in the end only the list of magistrates remains.

To this day, it is not clear who is checking the long signal and what the results of this check are.

Expect an interview with your ex Chief Prosecutor and current Chairman of KPCONPI Sotir Tsatsarov

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