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Where to Seek Compensation for Long-Term Consequences and Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Vaccination Damage

What is vaccine damage?

According to the Infection Protection Act, vaccination damage is “the health and economic consequence of damage to health caused by the vaccination that goes beyond the usual extent of a vaccination reaction”. Normal side effects such as rashes, fever or headaches are not included. Whether actual damage has occurred can be determined at the earliest six months after the vaccination.

According to the Paul Ehrlich Institute, any physical reaction that is recognized by a pension office and an expert is vaccine damage. It doesn’t have to be a known side effect. Any reaction or illness can be reported as possible vaccine harm.

Compensation due to serious unwanted side effects

So far, the federal states have approved more than 250 applications for compensation due to a serious undesirable side effect of the corona vaccination. This was the result of a nationwide survey by the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” at the pension offices of the federal states.

The federal states are said to have rejected 1,808 applications, and 3,968 applications are still being processed.

How to apply for compensation for vaccination damage?

The pension office of the respective federal state decides whether there is an entitlement to state care in the event of vaccination damage. The procedure is different than when a vaccination complication is suspected, which doctors have to report to the health department. This happens in the case of symptoms that go beyond the usual level of a normal vaccination reaction.

Due to the required medical reports, it often takes up to a year before a corresponding decision can be made. A medical connection between vaccination and damage can only be proven in the rarest of cases.

“Anyone who has suffered vaccination damage as a result of a publicly recommended vaccination can apply for care under the Federal Health Care Act,” according to the Robert Koch Institute. This is regulated in German Infection Protection Act. However, the burden of proof lies with those affected. A medical report must always clarify how likely it is that the vaccination has actually led to undesirable side effects in each specific case. A coincidental temporal connection is not sufficient. The health damage must still be present 6 months after the vaccination.

The right to care is intended to compensate for the health and economic consequences of the vaccine damage. A lump sum to which those affected are entitled cannot therefore be given. Depending on the degree of severity, vaccination victims are entitled to a compensation pension of between 164 and 854 euros per month. The Federal Supply Act is decisive.

Those affected are also entitled to medical treatment and compensation for loss of professional income. In extreme cases, the monthly total can be up to 15,000 euros.

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