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Where to find Fortnite bounty boards and get objectives

Fortnite bounty boards are your gateway to becoming a gun-for-hire as you use them to collect assassination assignments. The Fortnite bounties that start when you interact with them give you another player in the Battle Royale as a target, who you must then hunt down against the clock as his overall position is gradually revealed in greater detail. There are now a lot of these screens around the island, which is useful as for one of the Fortnite missions, you need to accept a reward from a reward board within 30 seconds of landing, so it’s worth knowing. how to find one quickly

Fortnite bounty boards are useful in a number of ways. Not only can they help you track down nearby opponents or complete quests, but successfully completing Fortnite bounties will also earn you Fortnite gold bars, which can then be invested in new weapons and upgrades, useful items, or even contributing to the war effort. in progress. If you’re up for the challenge, here are all the locations on the Fortnite rewards board.

Fortnite Bounty Board Locations

There are currently 29 Fortnite Bounty Boards spread across the island. We’ve marked them all on the map above, which translates to these named locations and landmarks:

  • Washout Wharf (al norte de Logjam Lumberyard)
  • Seven Outpost II (northwest of Logjam Lumberyard)
  • Logjam lumberyard
  • Seven Outpost V (al norte de Camp Cuddle)
  • camp hug
  • Broadcast Bunker (sureste de Camp Cuddle)
  • Happy Camper (al sur de The Fortress)
  • Floating Ships (South of Shifty Shafts)
  • shifting axes
  • sleepy sound
  • the daily bugler
  • The Temple (al noreste de The Daily Bugle)
  • Seven Outpost III (al noreste de The Daily Bugle)
  • rabbit crossroads
  • sanctuary
  • Mighty Monument (east of Sanctuary)
  • Launch pad (east of Sanctuary)
  • Seven Outpost VII (east of the Sanctuary)
  • greasy grove
  • Seven Outpost I (suroeste de Greasy Grove)
  • Turbine (south of Greasy Grove)
  • synapse station
  • Butter Barn (Southwest of Rocky Reels)
  • rocky reels
  • Impossible Rock (sureste de Rocky Reels)
  • Chonker Expressway
  • condo canyon
  • Seven Outpost IV (al sur de Condo Canyon)
  • the jones

How to complete Fortnite bounties

Once you accept one of the Fortnite rewards, you will receive a notification on your screen with the name of the enemy player you need to eliminate, along with a picture of their character so you know who to look for. A yellow circle will appear on your map, giving you a rough idea of ​​where your target is, and while it only updates every few seconds, you can still use it to roughly track their direction of movement. When you find the target, take it out and you will receive a reward complete notification along with your reward for completing your Fortnite bounty.

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