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Where to find financial help for paying rent in Chicago | Video | Univision Chicago WGBO

it has affected medical carethat these patients receive. isthis Tuesday at 5:00 and at6:00 in the morning. one of thechallenges faced bypeople is the payment ofhouseholds. for this topicwe have emilio from thisorganization. emilio, goodnights. at this moment youthey have several programshelp for homeowners andfor those who rent. Howa person can registerto receive assistance and havethe informative workshops thatoffer?thank you for directing me tocommunity. the best way togetting help from us isthrough these pages, thereThey are all the information. makea date and they take hisinformation, and we do theprocess.presenter: theweb page for you to point it out.for months we have beeninforming the audience of lawsthat prohibit the eviction ofpeople who could not paythe rent if it is for thepandemic, how serious is itnumber of peopleface this possibility?we have had calls frompeople who lost theemployment or the hours ofemployment, and cannot afford theirrent or your others, or yourutilities, things there. we havehelped over 570 families whothey have received our help. Yall the days there are many more.presenter: who are theyeligible for serviceswhat do you offer?all the people who arewithin the limits of theChicago city because theprogram that exists only coversthe city of chicago, and they areonly people who have losttheir employment or have loweredhours of your employment, bevictims of a crime orCovid victims, because it isthe need right now. arethose who have suffered the effects ofcovid and they can request

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