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Where is the public force? | THE UNIVERSAL

I respect and admire our president and all of our Public Force, especially our beloved General Eduardo Zapateiro, Cartagena’s pride, but these days we Colombians see what is happening with great concern.

Where are the more than 36 billion that our Public Force costs us? We see with concern that the vandals walk like dogs around your house doing and undoing at their ease.

The feeling we have is that the Public Force is decorative and clearly “dissuasive”, a deterrent that only affects those of us who respect it, who seem to be fewer and fewer. We do not see it in action, with the feeling that the rifles can only be used under a written order of the three powers of the State and of the vandals all in “consensus”.

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to free movement by proclaiming that: “Everyone has the right to move freely …”.

The art. 24 of the Constitution provides: “Every Colombian, with the limitations established by law, has the right to circulate freely …”.

Although the right to protest is legal and must be respected, what is openly illegal is that this protest affects universal and constitutional rights such as those mentioned above, among others.

The functions of the Public Force are: “Execute policies and actions of citizen and national security for the exercise and respect of the Political Constitution, national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the maintenance of public order. Ensure the respect of the goods, rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the nation ”.

Taking the foregoing into account, it follows that the Public Force must act to end all kinds of disturbances and looting without hesitation. The state obligation to protect human and constitutional rights obliges the mandatories, be they mayor, governor or president, to use legitimate force against people who exercise illegitimate violence and against those who collaborate with it, even if inadvertently.

Rifles should not only be a decorative and deterrent element. Nobody wants to attack violence with more violence, nobody wants more blood, or pain. But if that is the price of order, if that is the price that we must pay to bring in a few misfits who do not respect any authority, who only feel comfortable in chaos, destroying businesses that took years and a lot of work to do. being trained, violating the human and constitutional rights of others, and while they do it they laugh and celebrate as if they were in a carnival of chaos.

The Public Force must proceed, proceed with forcefulness, without hesitation, with the tranquility that the force of our military forces is the only legitimate and accepted by the State.

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