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Where is the affair, a year after his death in Nantes ?

Protest calling for ” justice for Steve “, September 12, 2019. — S. Salom-Gomis/AFP

  • Steve Maia Caniço was 24 years old. Passionate about techno music, he was exercising the profession of an animator after-school care in a school in the outskirts of nantes.
  • His body had been found on July 29 in the Loire valley.
  • Three criminal investigations have been opened since this Feast of music.

It was a year ago. At least twelve people who attended an evening of techno organized on the evening of the Fête de la musique in Nantes fell into the Loire following a police intervention muscular. All will go up on the shore except Steve Maia Caniço, facilitator, co-curriculars 24-year-old native of the agglomeration of nantes, whose family remained without news for more than a month. His body will be eventually
found on the 29th of July in the river, not far from the place of his disappearance. This Sunday 21 June 2020, two steps are
announced in Nantes a tribute to the young man and claim ” justice “. Where is the court record today ?

A judicial investigation against X for “manslaughter” had been opened in early August by a judge of instruction. The file has been transferred in September in Rennes at the request of the judges of nantes for the sake of ” impartiality “. The statement continues secretly since. No indictment has, for the time being, been pronounced. “The investigations do not move quickly enough for the victims, but it is within a reasonable time given the complexity of the case,” said Cécile de Oliveira, lawyer of the family of Steve Maia located in Caniço.

Complaint among partygoers and complaint to police

The latest technical expertise are interested, in particular, to the mobile phone of the young man. The challenge is daunting because, in the absence of witnesses saw him fall to the water, the geolocation of the device could provide valuable information on the course of events. “If it is established that at the time of firing of tear-gas grenades, my brother was very close to the river, then it will be difficult to challenge the existence of a causal link between the intervention of the forces of order and the fall, which resulted in his death,” believes the sister of the young man, questioned by The World. “My clients will be attentive to all the elements “, reacts Cécile de Oliveira, which does not preclude a claim when the time comes, a ” legal characterization of the facts in criminal [violences volontaires ayant entraîné la mort sans intention de la donner] rather than tort [homicide involontaire] “.

Cécile de Oliveira, lawyer of the family of Steve Maia located in Caniço. – L. Venance/AFP

In parallel, two new judicial information have recently been opened by the prosecutor’s office in Rennes. One relates to the collective complaint for “unintentional injuries, non-assistance to person in danger and endangering the lives of others,” filed by 89 participants in the evening techno. The other relates to “voluntary violence with a weapon in the meeting and on person agent of the public authority” related to the jets of projectiles received by the forces of law and order. Ten police officers injured on the night of the music Festival have filed a complaint.

Report IGPN ” sloppy “, commissioner mutated

Two reports of administrative investigation had also been opened in 2019. One of the IGPN, the police of the police, whose synthesis has been unveiled on 30 July. The intervention of the forces of law and order ” was justified and did not appear disproportionate “, it concluded, then. Before adding : “It cannot be established link between the police forces and the disappearance of Steve Maia Caniço “. “This report was really sloppy and was aimed at putting out of question the responsibility of the police under conditions that do not appear to be serious, considers Cécile de Oliveira. It had not been signed by the director of the IGPN. “

Restoration of the fresco in tribute to Steve Maia Caniço, Monday 18 may 2020.
Restoration of the fresco in tribute to Steve Maia Caniço, Monday 18 may 2020. – F. Brenon/20Minutes

The general inspection of administration (IGA) was also rendering a report, the 13 September, for the management of events by the public authorities. Evoked the intervention of police intervened ” in the context of self-defence “, but pointed also to the finger at a ” lack of discernment “. “The opportunity to speak, so on a right of way port giving direct access to the Loire valley, during a festive event usual and at a time when the lucidity of some of the partygoers was, without a doubt altered, can be put in doubt “, argued the IGA. That same day, the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, announced the
mutation of the commissioner Chassaing, in charge of the operations.

“We are confronted from the beginning with a hyper-mediatisation of this tragic story, it adds to the difficulty of the family,” observes the lawyer Cecile de Oliveira. It is also a file in which there will be, I think, important measures developed to be able to deal with this complexity investigation. “

This Saturday, the mayor socialist of Nantes, Johanna Rolland, has announced in a press release to have met Friday evening the family of Steve Maia Caniço, ” to tell them that [‘elle se tenait] to their sides, that Nantes was at their side in this terrible ordeal “. Adding that ” all light must be shed on the circumstances of the death of Steve Maia Caniço and about the motivations and modalities of intervention of the forces of order in the course of this night of tragedy “, she believed that ” the truth sometimes taking a long way to go, but the time of justice must happen and it will happen “.

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