♪♪yisel: we continue with the topictonight in debate time.where is the racePolitics of Governor Cuomo?what about the gameDemocrat?what lesson does this leave usevent?we discussed it with the democratluis miranday the republican jcpolanco,yisel: the governor resignedAndrew Momo, he’s dead likepoítico?>> has one weekdead right now he’s a zombiethat’s what andrew cuomo is.the woman who said she wassexually, the attorney generalLeticia James Believes In The Wayto resign today.he doesn’t want to admit what he did,but ask for forgiveness if I knowbothered with their actions, thatthey are very normal to him. thenew governor has a lotwork ahead, protect newyork and against the newforms of covid19.it is important that the newgovernor beginimmediately.>> like I said last week,the governor had thatgive up. his work hadpublic politics and inpositive governance waseliminating for beingrecalcitrant and not leaving thegovernment stance.that’s now a thing of the past,he is leaving in two weeks.yisel: what does this represent forthe politics of the state againYork and the Democratic Party?Luis: represents what theDemocrats we always docall to chapter whoever there isdone something wrong.we saw how the republican trumpand all the republicans willthey could their tongue to the case andthey never criticized directlyevil and all thatpresidente trump haía sidoaccused. here is the gameDemocrat closed ranks, criticizeddirectly to the governor.everyone asked for theresignation.now a new day begins.>> I can name you how thedestroyed and I can talk about the15,000 deaths from covid, wherehe did well to the elders.He tried to cover that informationuntil the attorney generaldiscovered. the times that thisman has committed fraudagainst the state andDemocrats did nothing.finally there were 11 women whoharassed accused of harassmentsexual, for them to say enough!so don’t tell me thatDemocrats who know how to protecteven if you’re right, therepublicans should have donesomething but they didn’t.us democrats lefttoo.>> trump was and presidedover 600,000 deathsAmericans.until this moment stillkeep doing and undoingwith the republican party.all Republicans at the levelnational deciding who gives ita big wing kiss alpresidente trump.yisel: what lesson does he leave us?>> instead of talking about cuomo,Luis ate with Trump. nowwe see that the prosecutorgeneral is postulated asgovernor and be something veryimportant for the state ofnew York.>> the democratic party andrepublican have tosupervise and that was whatdid the democrats in the