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Where is a curfew in Spain from July 17th

MADRID – Contrary to what can sometimes be read in the foreign press, Spain as a country has no curfew. Where there can be a curfew is in the regional area in the autonomous regions. At the time of writing, there are three regions where a curfew is or will be in effect from July 17.

After the state of emergency (estado de alarma) expired on May 9, it was no longer possible for regional governments in the 17 autonomous regions to close the regions through regional lockdowns (closures) and it was no longer possible to impose a curfew. Since then, this can only be done in exceptional situations and if a regional Supreme Court approves it in a certain region.

Because the corona figures are bad again and because there are more and more corona infections, especially among young people between 15 and 30 years old, regional governments decide to take new measures. In most cases this is limited to the closure of the nightlife and/or certain closing times for the catering industry. In some autonomous regions they go a step further and have a curfew (toque de queda).

Where does a curfew apply?

At the time of writing (July 16/17), there are three autonomous regions with curfews: the Valencia region, Catalonia and Cantabria. But this curfew does not apply to the entire autonomous region, but applies to those municipalities where the corona incidence is so bad that a curfew has to be put in place.

Royal valencia

In the case of the Royal valencia has curfew started on Saturday 10 July and this applies until Saturday 24 July 11:59 pm. Between 01.00 and 06.00 hNo one (with exceptions) is allowed to be present on the street in 32 municipalities, to know:

Province Castellón: Benicàssim
Province Alicante: Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Provincie Valencia: Almàssera, Buñol, El Puig, Tavernes Blanques, Vilamarxant, Alboraya, Benaguasil, Benetússer, Benifaió, l’Eliana, Meliana, Moncada, Picanya, Picassent, Puçol, Requena, Riba-roja, Sedaví, Silla, Utiel, Alaquàs, Aldaia , Burjassot, Catarroja, Quart de Poblet, Xirivella, Gandia, Mislata, Paterna en Valencia stad.


In Catalonia, from Saturday 17 July to Friday 23 July a curfew. Between 1am and 6am no one (with exceptions) is allowed onto the street 161 municipalities waaronder Barcelona; Tarragona; Reus; Girona; Blanes; Lloret de Mar; Cambrils; Sitges; Salou; Calafell; Vila-seca; Sant Feliu de Guixols; Calella; Malgrat de Mar; Palamós; Canet de Mar; Arenys de Munt; Riudoms; Vandellòs-l’Hospitalet de l’Infant; Tossa de Mar. CLICK HERE for the whole list (158 + Altafulla, Santa Cristina d’Aro and Caldes d’Estrac).


On Friday, July 16, judges permission given to impose a curfew in Cantabria. This applies from Saturday 17 July for 14 days until 31 July when no one (with exceptions) between 1am and 6am can be on the street in 53 municipalities.

het gaat om de gemeenten: Arenas de Iguña, Argoños, Arnuero, El Astillero, Bárcena de Cicero, Cabezón de la Sal, Cabezón de Liébana, Camaleño, Camargo, Campoo de Enmedio, Cartes, Castañeda, Castro Urdiales, Cieza, Colindres, Comillas , Corrales de Buelna, Entrambasaguas, Escalante, Guriezo, Hazas de Cesto, Brotherhood of Campoo de Suso, Laredo, Marina de Cudeyo, Mazcuerras, Medio Cudeyo, Meruelo, Miengo, Noja, Peñarrubia, Piélagos, Polanco, Potes, Puente Viesgo, Ramales de la Victoria, Reinosa, Reocín, Ribamontán al Mar, Ribamontán al Monte, Rionansa, San Vicente de la Barquera, Santa Cruz de Bezana, Santa María de Cayón, Santander, Santillana del Mar, Santoña, Selaya, Suances, Los Tojos, Torrelavega , Valderredible, Vega de Liébana in Villaescusa.

Where there is no curfew (yet)

In the Canary Islands, the regional government has requested a curfew, but it has not been approved. The same thing happened this Friday in Estremadura where the regional government also did not get permission. Other autonomous regions that have also applied for a curfew are Navarra and Castile and León.

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