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Where Does the Sun Go at Night?

KOMPAS.comSun rises in the morning and continues to shine all day, until nightfall. When it shines bright, sun make it easier for humans and other living things to carry out activities.

However, as night fell, the sun disappeared. Instead, the moon and stars seemed to decorate the night sky, until the next morning arrived.

About where does the sun go at night?

The sun does not disappear and continues to shine. It is the Earth that moves so that the Sun appears to disappear at night. Quoted from the site European Space Agency, the earth throughout the day continues to rotate the earth for 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.

This rotation of the earth can also be called the rotation of the earth on its axis. The Earth’s axis is an imaginary line connecting the North Pole and South Pole.

Also read: How Old is the Sun?

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Reported from Planet Facts, sunlight cannot reach all parts of the earth. The sun can only illuminate the part of the earth facing it.

The hemisphere facing the Sun will experience morning and afternoon, while the part behind it will experience night. The rotation of the Earth on its axis will also give the impression if the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

When the sun rises, the hemisphere faces the sun. During the day, the Sun begins to rise as the Earth continues to rotate. At nightfall, the Earth is still spinning and the Sun is seen setting in the west. Meanwhile, in the other hemisphere, the sun has just risen.

Looks small and will continue to shine

From Earth, we can see the Sun is very far away and small in size. About the size of a basketball. Even though the Sun is very large, its diameter reaches 1.4 million kilometers or the equivalent of 109 planets in a row.

The sun can be seen very small from the earth, because the distance of our planet from the sun is very far. The distance is approximately 150 million kilometers.

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Although located very far from Earth, the Sun only takes about 8 minutes 20 seconds to emit its rays to Earth.

As one of the stars, the Sun can continue to emit its rays because there is hydrogen burning activity. This activity causes the Sun to produce energy and continue to shine on the earth tirelessly.

Scientists estimate that hydrogen-burning activity will continue for several billion years. This means that the Sun will continue to shine all day, all year long until the hydrogen burning stops.

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