After revealing their love, singer Amrita Suresh and music director Gopi Sundar always share pictures on social media. Amrita has now shared a new picture with Gopi Sundar.
“You are my joy. Can’t wait to see you,” Amrita captioned the photo. ‘Where did Gopi Sundar go?’ Fans are asking through the comments.
Recently, Amrita Suresh came to UA to receive her golden visa. Amrita replied to the post of Gopi Sundar who congratulated Amrita Suresh by saying Miss You. It is reported that Gopi Sundar is busy with a new movie.
Amrita Suresh gained attention through the reality show Idea Star Singer. She entered the film industry through the film ‘Vamanapuri’. Amrita last sang for the film ‘Sufi Yum Sujata’.