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Where (almost) no apartments are built at all? It is not about the east of Poland

As you can easily guess, a very large number of premises built by developers are built in provincial cities. If we look deeper into the data from the Central Statistical Office, it turns out that investments related to the construction of new single-family houses are also unevenly distributed.

Experts of the RynekPierwotny.pl portal decided to present this interesting situation on the map of Poland. It shows that in some parts of the country virtually no premises or houses are being built. This demographic situation bodes badly for several areas. Contrary to appearances, they are located not only in the eastern part of Poland.

Even in some larger cities, little is being built

Thanks to the data of the Central Statistical Office, it is possible to check the number of flats (premises and houses) started by all investors in the first half of this year. They are mainly developers and private individuals.

Taking into account the number of flats started instead of completed units and houses tells us more about the impact of the crisis on the “housing sector”.

The map below, prepared by the experts of the RynekPierwotny.pl portal, shows how the total number of units and houses started looked like on the scale of poviats and cities with poviat status. The collected information indicates that in as many as 56 examined locations less than 50 apartments were started for half a year (January – June 2020).

This level of construction activity is a poor result, regardless of the population of a poviat or city with poviat rights. Data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland show that the least number of units and houses was started in the following poviats and cities:

 area Walecki – 31
 area Prudnicki – 30
 area Wąbrzeski – 30
 Chelm – 30
 Olsztyn – 29
 area Słubicki – 28
 area salicki – 28
 Jelenia Góra – 27
 area Parczewski – 26
 area Siemiatycze – 26
 area Goldap – 25
 Piekary Śląskie – 23
 area Węgorzewski – 22
 area Świdwinski – 21
 area mountain – 21
 Sopot – 20
 area hrubieszowski – 20
 area Łobeski – 16
 Świnoujście – 16
 Świętochłowice – 7

The very poor result of Olsztyn is probably temporary, and two other cities (Sopot and Świnoujście) have their specificity as resorts. There is greater concern that the list of poviats and cities with low construction activity has already time are the same locations.

These include border counties from eastern and north-eastern Poland, as well as the vicinity of Radom and Kielce. These areas are marked on the map with the lightest shade of blue.

The construction headlamp is still very similar

As a counterbalance, it is worth checking which poviats and cities with poviat status from January to June 2020 had the highest number of apartments and houses started. The results in the table below are unlikely to surprise anyone familiar with the realities of the domestic housing industry.

It is worth noting, however, that in terms of the number of units and houses started by developers, the Poznań poviat took a very high, seventh place (after Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Łódź and Rzeszów). The same poviat was also distinguished by the largest number of houses built by private persons.

It should also be noted that just behind the podium was the Lublin poviat (followed also by the Kraków poviat and the Wrocław poviat). The result of the Lublin poviat contrasts with the situation of areas located a bit further to the east, where new houses are rarely built (see the map above).



yesterday (08:14)

Artwhy build when there is no such need no demand people are not born everything is dying out don’t you see it ??? Europe is aging and depopulating.


yesterday (07:51)

BgfdsasTypical Poland in the photo. Build everything on top of each other. No wonder then that Poland is such a beautiful country


yesterday (19:28)

KazikThere are poviats where localities have been depopulated since the 1960s. Who is to build there?


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