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When you want to be a father, better to wear the boxers

Men who want to father a father would be better off wearing boxer shorts rather than tight underwear to promote sperm production, according to a 2018 study.

This study confirmed, with greater rigor than others before it, what we already suspected: the more the testicles breathe, the better they function.

This conclusion comes from spermograms carried out by 656 men between 2000 and 2017, in the reproductive assistance service of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (United States).

One third more sperm

The study “is the first to move beyond the traditional focus on sperm quality and understand data on a multitude of indicators of testicular function, such as reproductive hormones and DNA damage in sperm“, explain the authors.

Study subjects indicated what they wore most often. For 53% it was underpants, for 47% tighter underwear (short boxer or long boxer brief, tight brief or other).

“Men who wear boxers have higher sperm concentrations than those who wear briefs or boxers.

By adjusting with other factors that may influence the quality of sperm (state of health, level of physical activity, smoking, …), the followers of the boxers had 33% more motile sperm.

Avoid heat and tight clothing

On the other hand, those who wear tight underwear secrete more follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the production of sperm. According to the researchers, the body compensates for a temperature that is too high for the testicles.

Sperm production requires a temperature 3-4 ° C lower than the rest of the body, recalled a professor of reproductive medicine at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Richard Sharpe.

He and other experts give further advice: avoid wearing tight pants, spending too much time sitting and taking very hot baths.

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