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When you urinate too often, it is better to investigate the possible causes, even serious ones, and follow the remedies suggested by the experts

It is really uncomfortable to find yourself constantly going to the bathroom, at any time of the day, to the point of getting tired. Well, this gesture is called, in the medical field, frequent urination and can become a worrying phenomenon. This is because the causes are not easily known. In fact, they can be very many, so it is not easy to deal with them. Well, when you urinate too often, it is better to investigate the possible causes, even serious ones, and follow the remedies suggested by the experts. Consider that the possible causes could be about 23 and even more. Let’s make a list, to be as comprehensive as possible and to provide support to those who might run into such a problem.

Possible causes of too frequent urination

Among the possible causes of too frequent urination we have: 1) inflammation or infection of the bladder or / and urethra, ie the urinary tract; 2) vaginal infection or inflammation; 3) benign prostatic hyperplasia; 4) bladder cancer; 5) tumor in the pelvic area; 6) iatrogenic pollakiuria, due to the use of diuretic drugs or drugs that interfere with diuresis; 8) trauma of a psychic nature (anxiety, stress, etc.); 9) very intense emotional reactions; 10) alcohol intake e caffeina; 11) chronic constipation; 12) overweight and obesity; 13) diabetes mellitus in poor metabolic control; 14) kidney stones; 15) hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis; 16) radiotherapy of the lower abdomen; 17) overactive bladder syndrome; 19) psychiatric drugs; 20) stroke of the brain; 21) diseases of the central nervous system; 22) diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

When you urinate too often, it is better to investigate the possible causes, even serious ones, and follow the remedies suggested by the experts

In the face of these causes, which are so many, it is very difficult to understand what to do. It is therefore necessary to contact the specialist who will carry out a precise and timely anamnestic analysis. First of all, the compilation of a mention diary will be required. In it, the patient must indicate his habits and the actual number of daily urinations, the time and other details. This is because many tend to overestimate the frequency of urination. All this for 3 consecutive days.

Basically, however, the causes can be divided into two broad categories: 1) infectious, which occur together with irritative symptoms and 2) obstructive, where the phenomenon is associated with obstructive symptoms. The investigations to be carried out, then, may vary between men and women. For example, in humans an external inspection must be performed to detect the presence of lesions or secretions. Then, palpate the testicles for any pain or signs of inflammation or bruising. In addition, an investigation of the prostate should be performed. In women, on the other hand, a vaginal exploration must be carried out.

The remedies suggested by the experts

Carried out the investigations, if the cause is related to the diet, it will simply be necessary to avoid irritating foods and those with diuretic action. If, on the other hand, more serious pathologies are suspected, it is necessary to carry out other analyzes. So, for example, the following will be prescribed: blood glucose or diabetes tests, urine tests, creatinemia for kidney function. Then, again: ultrasound or radiological diagnostic tests, up to the endoscopic instrumental ones, which are more invasive. Once the diagnosis is made, it will come to therapy, which can be pharmacological or surgical, depending on the pathology found.


Be careful not to mix these drugs

What is polyuria?

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)–

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