For each ticket validated in the metro, bus or tram in Lille, Ilévia makes a donation to Secours Populaire. (© Lille news / Archives)
When winter rhymes with solidarity. Throughout the month of December 2020, the public transport network Ilevia of the metropolis of Lille pays a donation to People Relief for each validation of a ticket.
A validated metro ticket, 1 centime for Secours Populaire
So every time you take the bus, Metro or tramway (without defrauding of course) until December 31, 2020, Ilévia will pay a micro-donation of 1 euro cent to the association. Objective, to reach 3 million validated tickets to be able to offer a check for 30,000 euros to Secours Populaire.
“Aware of the active role that public transport must play in the development of a more sustainable metropolis, Ilévia wishes through this campaign to encourage the involvement of all customers through a collective gesture that is at the same time simple, strong and united” , writes the company in a press release.
Like many associations, Secours Populaire is not immune to the difficulties of the current health crisis and has to adapt as best it can. There is no doubt that this help from Ilévia is welcome!