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when will your pension be increased?

The postponement of the pension increase must only concern the basic pension. However, supplementary plans follow the same rules, which risks doubly penalizing certain policyholders.

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– The postponement of the pension increase will not only concern the basic pension.

The measure is far from unanimous. The government plans, via the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS), to postpone the revaluation of the basic pension from January 1 to July 1, 2025. Be careful, you must keep in mind that this postponement only concerns the basic diet. Former employees are affected by this six-month gap, but they are not the only ones. THE independent (craftsmen, traders, etc.), also attached to the general regime, but also liberal professionals affiliated to the CNAVPL (National Old Age Insurance Fund for Liberal Professions) and civil servants will also experience this six-month delay.

If it is therefore only a question of the basic pension, this postponement will also mechanically have impacts for the future increase in several supplementary pensions. The fault is the mode of operation of some of them which is modeled on that of the basic pension. This is particularly the case with the supplementary scheme for civil service contract workers, Ircantec. Each year, the service value (the value which allows the amount of the pension to be calculated) of the Ircantec point is revalued at the same time and at the same level as the basic pension of the general system.

Also read: Pension revaluation: how much will your pension increase by July 1, 2025?

Self-employed people penalized, not liberal professions

Contract workers are not the only ones to see the increase in their supplementary pension postponed by six months. The independents will suffer the same postponement. In fact, the supplementary pension for the self-employed (RCI) is attached to the general scheme and, as for Ircantec, the service value of the point is increased by following the terms set for the basic pension. The independents will therefore have to wait six more months to benefit from an increase in their basic and supplementary pension. A situation deemed intolerable by Marc Sanchez, general secretary of the independent workers’ union (SDI). “Public authorities must absolutely set a reasonable threshold below which the revaluation of retirement rights must be maintained from January 1, 2025”he calls in a press release, released this Monday, October 14.

This discrepancy is seen as an injustice, especially since for certain supplementary plans, nothing changes. Thus, former private sector employees who receive a supplementary pension from Agirc-Arrco will benefit, like every year, from an increase in their pension on November 1st. Its level must also be set this Tuesday, October 15. Same thing for liberals who have their own supplementary plan, depending on their profession. “The possible postponement of the date of revaluation of pensions will be applicable to the basic pension of self-employed professionals. On the other hand, the professional sections remain free to decide on the date and level of revaluation within their supplementary plans.CNAVPL management told Capital.

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A question for lawyers

If the principle of revaluations is very regulated, an unknown remains for lawyers. In fact, it is the only profession that has its own basic regime. The national fund of French bars (CNBF) decides the date and level of the increase in the basic pension. “As the basic pension and supplementary pension schemes for lawyers are autonomous, their benefits will be re-evaluated, in principle, with effect from January 1”assures the director of the fund, Gilles Not.

However, he casts doubt on the maintenance of this autonomy, recalling that the Social Security financing law for 2023 aligns the revaluation of basic retirement pensions for lawyers with the conditions of the general system. Which would therefore mean that the increase in the basic pension of lawyers could also be postponed until July. “The legal profession should take a position on this project very soon”simply announces Gilles Not.

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