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When will the war in Ukraine end 2022

He called too optimistic forecasts that the war in Ukraine in 2022 will end in a couple of weeks.

When the war in Ukraine ends, the expert said / photo REUTERS

The Russian army is suffering huge losses in Ukraine, its soldiers are demoralized. Therefore, experts make predictions about When will the war in Ukraine end?.

Reserve colonel, military expert Oleg Zhdanov is sure that this war will last for several months. He spoke about this in an interviewGlavred“.

According to him, now is only the first stage of the hot phase, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to stop the offensive. The second stage is when the Ukrainian military will have to launch a counteroffensive.

“This is where it will be hottest, because offensive battles are much harder than defensive ones. If the enemy is replenished with reserves, then it will be difficult for us. However, if we build our offensive more competently, we can avoid heavy losses and make our task a little easier. But the hot phase of the war is still ahead,” Zhdanov said.

He called too optimistic forecasts that the war in Ukraine in 2022 will end in a couple of weeks.

“However, there is one option in which everything can end in a couple of weeks – if someone in the bunker eliminates Putin. Then there will be a new elite in Russia, a transitional government, some kind of temporary committee for saving the Russian Federation … Then Russia can come to an agreement with us that it is completely withdrawing its troops from our territory, both from Donbass and Crimea. This option is possible, but its probability is 50/50,” the military expert said.

He also does not exclude that Russia may resort to the option of freezing the conflict.

“If we sign some kind of memorandum again, relatively speaking, Minsk-3, Donbass-1 or Crimea-1, it will simply postpone the war for several months. And the next war will be much bloodier and tougher than the current one,” Zhdanov warned.

In his opinion, the West does not need a quick victory for Ukraine.

“Not needed. He needs the maximum weakening of Russia. This is the main geostrategic goal not only of the United States, but of the entire West. So that Putin does not dictate conditions,” the expert noted.

“However, I think the war is not for years, but for several months. I would venture to suggest that by September we will be able to end this war,” Zhdanov summed up.

Earlier, Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, gave a forecast regarding the end of the war. He explained why the war will end in 1-1.5 months: “At the beginning of the conflict, the enemy brought more than 90 battalion tactical groups into the territory of Ukraine. Of these, more than 30 have already been destroyed or have lost their combat capability, as such. That is, we, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the defense forces, have destroyed a third.”

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