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When will the solar flare occur? When is the solar storm?


Solar flare or solar flare is the name given to violent explosions that occur in the gas sphere (atmosphere) of the Sun. These explosions have a power of billions of megatons and generally move at a speed of 1,000,000 km/h.

6×1025 It can release up to joules of energy as a result of explosion. Due to solar flare, radiation particles with smaller wavelengths than normal enter the Earth’s atmosphere. As a result of these eruptions, communication and power networks on earth may be negatively affected.

Solar flares affect all layers of the Sun’s atmosphere (photosphere, corona and chromosphere), increasing the plasma to tens of millions of kelvins and flinging electrons, protons and heavier ions into space at almost the speed of light. They also produce radiation that spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Most solar flares occur in active regions, such as sunspots, where intense magnetic fields enter the photosphere.

Solar jets are formed due to magnetic couplings. The first occurrence was observed in 1859 and is called the Carrington Event.

2023-12-10 17:51:52
#solar #flare #occur #solar #storm

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