INFOSEMARANGRAYA.COM – For those of you who want to upgrade and ask when iPhone 11 drops in pricethen see the answer in this article.
iPhone 11 is an iPhone that was released in September 2019. Even though it is more than 3 years old, the iPhone 11 still offers the best features at an affordable price.
Compared to the previous iPhone series, iPhone 11 has features that get upgraded such as performance, cameraand the screen glass.
Also Read: New and Used iPhone 12 Prices March 2022: Lowering to 5 Million Ahead of iPhone 14 Release
iPhone 11 has been equipped with the A13 Bionic chipset which is still supported for the next 4-5 years.
On cameraiPhone 11 has two camera main and equipped with night mode so low light conditions are no longer a problem.
There is also Dolby Atmos which makes users listen to the sound better when received.
In March 2022, the iPhone 11 is priced at IDR 10,499,000 for 128 GB.
The price of the iPhone 11 is predicted to fall again one month before its release iPhone 14 by Apple that is August 2022.