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When will the end of the printed edition of Gazeta Wyborcza

In June 2021 the average total circulation of Gazeta Wyborcza amounted to 54,532 copies. and decreased by 18.31 percent. compared to June 2020. On Friday, during the discussion of Agora’s results for the second quarter of this year. Agnieszka Sadowska from the company’s management board argued that the situation does not cause concern for the company.

– This decline is expected for us, these are simply the trends on the newspaper sales market. Please note, however, that in the second quarter, we recorded an increase in copy sales revenue of two percent. So we can make up for the drop in sales by increasing prices – said Sadowska.

The revenues from the sales of “Gazeta Wyborcza” in the second quarter of this year amounted to PLN 25.1 million and were up 9.1% y / y. higher than in the same time of 2020. Throughout the first half of this year. amounted to PLN 49.3 million and were 2.1 percent. higher than the year before. As stated in the report, this is mainly due to the higher revenues from digital subscription.

Agora is planning more local websites

The board member noted that Agora does not take into account going completely to the Internet when it comes to “Wyborcza”. – We absolutely do not plan to give up the paper version, it is very important to us – said Sadowska.

Recently, Wyborcza.pl launched local websites in Zakopane, Wałbrzych, Koszalin and Rybnik. There are plans for more, but no specific details were released on Friday. – We are planning further openings of editorial digital teams, but we will not reveal in which locations yet – said Sadowska.

In the second quarter of this year. Agora achieved PLN 201.8 million of consolidated sales revenues and PLN 9.9 million of net loss. Revenues from advertising, Helios cinemas and sales of “Wyborcza” and books increased.

Changes in Agora’s Management Board, dispute with Gazeta Wyborcza

At the end of June, the general meeting of Agora’s shareholders decided that its net loss from last year will be covered from previous profits. The company did not pay dividends for the second year in a row. Agora Group last year recorded a decrease in sales revenues by 33 percent. to PLN 836.4 million, and its net result went down from PLN 6 million profit to PLN 130.24 million loss.

In June, Helios signed an agreement for PLN 5.03 million of a partially non-returnable loan from the Polish Development Fund as part of a credit shield for large companies.

From the beginning of June this year. in the Management Board of Agora is Tomasz Grabowski, he was elected by the other members by co-option. He supervises the technology department, technology departments responsible for the development of functionalities for Gazeta.pl and Wyborcza.pl, as well as the development of technological innovations and the big data department.

On June 9, the company’s management announced that it intends to merge the company’s press segment (including mainly Gazeta Wyborcza and Wyborcza.pl) and the Gazeta.pl division into one business area “pursuing the common goal of increasing digital subscriptions and advertising revenues from all areas of Agora SA websites. “. This caused a dispute with the team of Gazeta Wyborcza during the talks the concept of spinning off “GW” to a separate company was put forward. The management of “GW” appointed a team of three (it includes Joanna Mosiej-Sitek as the leader, Miłosz Malinowski and Piotr Stasiński) to be responsible for this process.

At the beginning of August Agnieszka Siuzdak-Zyga was appointed to the Management Board of Agora. She supervises the Gazeta.pl division, of which she has been head since autumn 2018.

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