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When we want an original and creative good dish we can put this technique into practice

The stages from which the gesture of eating has passed are different and each level is linked to a time and a need.

Initially man ate only for the need to feed himself and therefore to survive. Later came the research and the pleasure of tasting tasty dishes.

Last but not least, the need to obtain food that is not only good but also healthy comes to the stove. Of course, the search for tasty and original recipes is always current and the right mix in preparing a dish is to make it tasty but also healthy.

There are so many news in this field that you don’t know what to choose. But there are also many original recipes that are often forgotten or even unknown.

Forgotten dishes but to be rediscovered

They are the ones that go back in time instead of in the present: the dishes of the ancients.

Meaning the cuisine of the ancient Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks.

These peoples were already at the stage of seeking the goodness of dishes as well as the need to eat.

We can dig into the past and find more or less ancient recipes from those that date back to 2,000 years ago but also those used by our ancestors.

So, when we want a good, original and creative dish we can put this technique into practice and take advantage of the culinary advice of the chefs of those times.

Times in which, moreover, various types of spices to flavor foods in a natural way.

Looking for interesting recipes there are many but to start stimulating the desire let’s start with these dishes.

When we want an original and creative good dish we can put this technique into practice

Chestnut soup

This dish is a traditional late autumn recipe prepared with an ingredient present in Italy since the 1st century AD.


  • Chestnuts
  • Fennel seeds
  • Whole sea salt
  • Timo
  • Vegetable broth
  • Rustic bread


Boil the chestnuts with salt and fennel then mash them in a little broth.

Season the soup with thyme and fennel, cook a little longer.

Serve poured over toasted dry rustic bread.

In the kitchen with the ancients: maiale cooked in wine


  • Pork meat
  • Red wine
  • Garlic
  • Virgin olive oil
  • Coriander
  • Origan
  • Celery seeds
  • Parsley leaves
  • Pepe


Cook the pieces of meat in a pan containing wine, garlic and oil.

Halfway through cooking, add the sliced ​​leeks and all the aromas, diluting with wine.

When the meat is well cooked it is presented on the table accompanied by its own seasoning.

Stuffed sardines with herbs


  • Sardines
  • Cumin
  • Mint
  • Nights
  • Miele
  • Virgin olive oil
  • Fig leaves
  • Anchovies


Once the sardines are opened, they are filled with a mint pesto, cumin, a little pepper, walnuts and honey.

Each stuffed sardine is wrapped in a well washed fig leaf and placed in the oven.

The sardines seasoned with oil and chopped anchovies will be brought to the table.

All this can be accompanied by an excellent wine: the Falerno del Massico which takes up the ancient Falerno.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the eating habits and any intolerances of our readers and for this reason it is recommended to consult your doctor about foods that could cause damage to your health. In any case it is strongly it is recommended to read the warnings given WHO”)—

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