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| When we come together for peace | Mangalam

The National Conference of the All India Peace Solidarity Committee (IPSO) is meeting today and tomorrow in Chandigarh, Punjab. The world is at war. For our country, secularism, which is the foundation of the constitution, has been destroyed and the country is moving towards a semi-fascist terror regime.

Globalization and new economic policies have put even the big capitalist-imperialist countries in deep trouble. The imperialist point of view is naturally to use war to escape from this. But today’s world situation is not favorable for it. But the imperialist powers are making moves to create a greater bellicose atmosphere, indirectly if not directly. Instead of taking steps to end the Ukraine-Russia war, the departure of imperialist powers is to complicate the problem by providing arms and financial aid to Ukraine against Russia.

Although world wars are now rare, internal problems in various countries have led to major conflicts there. In many countries such as Iran, popular issues have escalated into conflicts. In many countries, the ruling class is using the military and the police in violation of democratic norms. Innocent people are often killed here.

There are also some countries that threaten other countries with nuclear weapons, even if they can kill tens of thousands. Imperialist countries continue to make major attacks on developing countries. There is no shortage of threats by the United States and imperialist powers against leftist regimes in countries like Venezuela and Cuba in Latin America.

The All India Peace Solidarity Committee (IPSO) is the Indian arm of the international peace movement, the World Peace Organisation. All India Peace Solidarity Committee was formed in 1951. Frédéric Juliette Curie was the founder of the World Peace Organization which was formed in 1948. The earliest conferences of the World Peace Organization were held in Vienna, Berlin, Helsinki and Stockholm. Early headquarters included Paris and Vienna. Current headquarters are in Aden, Greece.

Through Ipso’s committed work, the people of India are realizing the reality that peace is everyone’s business. War is death and peace is life is the lesson taught by the history of human life so far. The activists of the Peace Solidarity Committee are the flag bearers of that valuable lesson that the contemporary world is learning.

Most of those who headed the All India Peace and Solidarity Committee like the World Peace Organization have made their mark in various fields. Dr. Saifudeen Kichulu, Pandit Chintar Lal who was a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. MM Atal, freedom fighters and leaders of the communist movement in India, AK Gopalan, Ajay Ghosh, T.B. Cunha, noted historian D.D. Kosambi, movie stars Prithiraj Kapoor, Belraj Sahani, writer Kishan Chander, Rajendra Singh Bedi, poets Vallathol Narayana Menon, Gurubaksingh, former Chief Minister C. Achuthamenon, CP Narayanan and many others are driven by Ipso.

C.P.M. National General Secretary Sitaram Yechury, CPI National General Secretary D. National leaders of various political parties such as Raja, Binoy Viswam, Pallabsen, Neelolpal Basu and Congress leader Yadav Reddy are still in the leadership of Ipso.

Prominent leaders of World Peace Organization and All India Peace Solidarity Committee and leading political leaders of the country will attend the National Conference this time.

People of all countries must be able to respond to the advocates of war and conflict. The World Peace Organization is working for this. As far as our country is concerned, there is a need to organize strong activities for peace and unity across the country. The All India Peace Solidarity Committee has a very heavy duty to perform in this regard. There is no doubt that this national conference of the organization will formulate the necessary action programs for it.

(The writer is District President of All India Peace Solidarity Committee, Thiruvananthapuram.- Phone: 9847132428)

(Email: [email protected])

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