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when to wear the mask, which one to choose? The advice of Dr Jimmy Mohamed

Mandatory in enclosed public places, public transport or even, soon, companies, or simply recommended … you no longer understand the recommendations on wearing a mask to protect yourself from Covid-19 ? Dr Jimmy Mohamed, presenter of the show Without Appointment, Monday to Friday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Europe 1, gives you advice on how to find your way there.

A simple rule in confined spaces

Are you in an enclosed public place and you don’t know if wearing a mask is compulsory? Dr Jimmy Mohamed has a simple tip for navigating it: “wear a mask in all situations where smoking is prohibited”.

And to avoid having to handle your mask with your hands potentially contaminated by the virus, put on your mask before leaving home – even if it is not compulsory to wear the mask on the street – and only take it off when you have arrived.

Valve masks, that’s no, FFP2s, not necessary

FFP2 masks – the famous “duckbill” masks – are not particularly recommended to protect against Covid-19. They are much more complicated to wear, filter the air a lot and are not very breathable. “It’s as if you wanted to put on sunscreen in Lille, in the middle of December, to avoid getting sunburned. Of course, it’s effective, but it’s no use!”, Compares Dr Mohamed.

As for masks with a valve, Dr. Mohamed formally advises against them for use against the coronavirus. In fact, the exhaled air passes through the valve and is not filtered. If you are a carrier of the virus, you risk infecting those around you.

Choosing the right mask to avoid irritation

If you wear your mask regularly and for a long time, you may experience discomfort and irritation behind the ears caused by the rubber bands. To avoid this inconvenience, Dr. Mohamed recommends choosing a mask with the straps that tie behind the head.

This model also has the advantage of better adapting to the shape of the face and therefore of letting less air pass, which protects you better.

The visor is useless

Some of you may have chosen to wear a clear plastic visor to avoid having to wear a mask. It’s useless and dangerous, warns Dr. Mohamed. The visors can possibly save you a few postilions but absolutely do not protect against the coronavirus. They must absolutely be worn in addition to a mask otherwise they will be completely unnecessary.

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