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When to See a Doctor for Coughing: Expert Advice from Gezondnu’s Medical Team

There are few things you can worry about as much as your health. Fortunately, Gezondnu’s medical team is there. In Consultation Hours, readers ask their questions about various health topics. This week José’s question: ‘I keep coughing, when should I go to the doctor?

The ‘R’ is in the month again and that means a greater chance of colds and flu. Unfortunately, coughing is a symptom of all these viruses. Annoying, but when should you call the doctor?

Causes of coughing

We asked Jolanda Kuijvenhoven-Varkevisser, pulmonologist at Medical Center Leeuwarden: “Coughing is an extremely annoying ailment and can have many causes. These are not always problems with or in the lungs. Coughing can also be caused by heartburn or nasal complaints that are acute or more chronic in nature. The latter mainly occur when the ‘R’ is in the month and there are many viruses in circulation that cause cold symptoms. Coughing can also be caused by an allergy or by the use of medication (for example certain blood pressure lowering agents, ACE inhibitors). Finally, coughing can of course be caused by problems in or with the lungs, for example in people with asthma, COPD, pneumonia or other lung abnormalities, such as lung cancer.”

When should you go to the doctor?

But when is the right time to go to the GP/doctor if you have cough complaints? “We recommend seeing a doctor in an acute stage if there are alarm symptoms: being seriously ill (fever, rapid breathing, confusion), severe shortness of breath, coughing up blood or pain when breathing. Most cough complaints go away on their own within three to six weeks. We speak of chronic coughing if the coughing lasts longer than six weeks. It is then usually necessary to have additional research carried out into the cause of the coughing. This way you can determine whether targeted treatment can take place or assess whether a referral to the lung specialist is necessary.”

In the October issue of Gezondnu you can read more pressing questions and answers from experts.

Section: Consultation hours

In Consultation Hours we submit reader questions about health to one of our experts. Do you also have a pressing health question for a GP, midwife, dietitian, psychologist or other health expert? Then email it to [email protected] and who knows, you might see the answer appear in our monthly magazine or on Gezondnu.

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Image: Pexels

2023-09-19 22:03:53
#consultation #hours #José #coughing #doctor

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