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“When there is no one, I don’t put on my mask”, people from Brussels explain why they will not respect the ban

COnsequence of a rebound in coronavirus contaminations, the wearing of a mask was imposed on Wednesday throughout Brussels, an announcement greeted with surprise and skepticism by some.

“I don’t see why I would wear it in a deserted street”: consequence of a rebound in coronavirus contaminations, the wearing of the mask was imposed on Wednesday throughout Brussels, an announcement greeted with surprise and skepticism by some.

“As soon as there are a few people I put it on, I respect the others”

“When there is no one, I don’t put on my mask. As soon as there are a few people I put it on, I respect others, ”Marie, 67, on the way to visit her mother with a mask in her hand told AFP.

Crossed in the European district of Brussels, this retiree says she is “aware” of the measure.

It is an exception because most passers-by are unaware of this new tightening of regulations, announced by a press release from the regional government shortly before 7:00 am local time.

“There is the law and the spirit of the law”

“I don’t see why I would wear the mask if the street is empty. There is the law and the spirit of the law, ”says Sania, in her thirties.

Rudi Vervoort, head of government of Brussels-Capital, announced on August 6 that the wearing of a mask would become widespread for the 1.2 million inhabitants of his region, if the threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 people was exceeded. one week.

Since Wednesday, it is done (54.4). And in agreement with the mayors of the 19 municipalities, “the measure imposing the wearing of masks on the entire territory of the region comes into force today,” he announced.

This threshold of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, “chosen arbitrarily”, is “an indication that the situation is becoming serious and worsening”, explained at a press conference Frédérique Jacobs, spokesperson for the Federal Public Service of health.

Over the whole of Belgium, more than 600 new infections per day have been counted for a week. But regional disparities are strong. The rebound observed in Antwerp (North) since mid-July is now less clear and Brussels is taking over, against a background of increased screening.

” Alarm signal ”

“The rising figures do not necessarily mean that the situation is very severe today, but they represent a warning signal to intervene and avoid a worsening,” said Ms. Jacobs.

For his part, epidemiologist Yves Coppieters called for a concentration of efforts to contain the virus where it circulates the most. Particularly in Anderlecht, Schaerbeek and Brussels-city according to official data.

The mask imposed on the streets throughout the city “is more of an admission of failure, it is as if we were already losing track of transmissions from clusters (homes). We need to act more locally, ”this professor of public health at the Université libre de Bruxelles told RTBF.

Wearing protection covering the nose and mouth for anyone aged at least twelve was already compulsory in Belgium in most public places closed since July 11 (cinemas, libraries, etc.).

It has also become widespread in certain busy shopping areas and has become a reflex for many Brussels residents.

” It is not a problem for me ”

Elizer Rivera considers the precautionary measure announced Wednesday “reasonable”. “At work I already used to wear the mask, that’s not a problem for me,” he emphasizes.

The obligation in Brussels now concerns “public places” and “private places accessible to the public”, according to the regional government, which has mentioned exceptions for certain situations: “during the practice of a sport” or for “a intensive physical work on public roads ”.

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