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When the young people of the Stade Briochin go through the prison box • Actufoot • Pro / amateur football news

They did not go through square one, they did not receive 200 euros, but the short stay in the “prison” box made by the young people from the Stade Briochin was accompanied by many lessons. This Thursday afternoon, seven young griffins, accompanied by the president-trainer Guillaume Allanou and Matthieu Auffret, went to the Saint-Brieuc remand center to play a game there, to say the least, against prisoners.

Double levier social

“The objective, which was part of our CSR (corporate social responsibility, editor’s note), was twofold: for our young people, it was a question of being able to understand an environment that they do not know and that I hope they will never know, but also to ensure our role as an actor in local life. Some ideas about the prison world are preconceived and it is our duty to remove them because, whether we like it or not, prison is part of society ”, estimates Guillaume Allanou, whose team will find its way back to the National 3 championship on Saturday 6 November after a weekend dedicated to the Coupe de France.

During an opposition against the victorious team of the internal tournament of the remand center, disputed on mini-field in the form of two halves of 20 minutes, and won 7-4 by the Griffons, the latter have been able to create social ties with people who can sometimes miss them. “They initially had some apprehension about this experience. But after debriefing with them, I noticed that they were happy to live this moment ”, continues Allanou.

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