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When the wedding party becomes a hanging party

Actually it should be the nicest day in life. Instead, he is currently ensuring a muted mood among bridal couples and owners of wedding locations alike.

The wedding season is due to the corona restrictions until further notice. The invitations had long since been sent, the location was selected and the wedding dress had already been selected in some cases. But there is currently hardly any thought of a major celebration in Bavaria. How are the bride and groom, but also the operators of locations in and around Wrzburg?

One of them is the bridge baron in Bolzhausen. On his website it says: “We prepare the wedding couple and their guests the unique day they want! You can party, dance and laugh with us until the early hours of the morning.” But instead of a treat, there is now sometimes trouble for the money.

One controversial issue is the reservation fee

Some wedding couples have come together to fight for what they consider to be a fairer solution if the appointment is postponed. The point of dispute is, on the one hand, the reservation fee of 1850 euros and, on the other hand, the down payments that are due if the cancellation is not made eight weeks before the appointment. Both are regulated in the general terms and conditions.

“We paid little attention to this when we signed the contract because we never expected our wedding to be canceled,” says a future bride on the phone. It does not want to be named by name. In fact, their celebration should be over 100 guests in midsummer. It is very questionable whether it can take place in this form at all.

The uncertainties are stressful for everyone involved

“A lot can still happen until July or August,” said Brckenbaron managing director Holger Metzger recently on request. “But the uncertainties are, of course, very stressful for everyone involved. Bands, photographers and decorators are also attached to it.” Metzger confirmed the contract modalities, but also emphasized: “Right from the start of the shutdown, we offered to move the weddings to another date free of charge within one year. In this way, we have so far found a solution for most newlyweds.” Many would have opted for a Friday or even a Thursday appointment in autumn because their guests would take time off on their wedding day anyway.

For others, on the other hand, only a summer wedding comes into question, for example, because a short dress has already been bought and the person who releases it fills the bridging baron. But if you want to postpone your wedding to next year after March, you would actually have to pay the reservation flat rate twice in the event of an emergency.

But Metzger argues that the 2021 summer season would have been fully booked, at least on Saturdays, and that there are hardly any free dates left. “Like other event locations and restaurants, we are not just coping with this crisis. It is simply a matter of existence,” said Metzger. This week, apparently, the “July bridal couples” were accommodated to the extent that a free postponement to a 2021 summer date is possible. However, the popular Saturday is excluded and the advance payments may already be due.

Also popular as a wedding location: the Hotel Steinburg am Wrzburger Stein.
Photo: Thomas Obermeier

Daily exchange with newlyweds and service providers

At Steinburg above the roofs of Wrzburg, nothing is the same as usual. Not a day goes by when she is not in active contact with bridal couples or service providers, event manager Jennifer Heinisch says: “Because we don’t have any advance packages, we go a lot in advance for celebrations, which is of course very difficult at the moment. ” So you can’t just postpone a wedding into the next summer.

“It is different if we could not keep to the distance rules on the date. Either way we try to find a compromise with every bride and groom”, Heinisch affirms and promotes weddings in autumn or winter: “The atmosphere is in with us very nice at that time. ” But there are also couples who still stick to their summer dates. Heinisch hopes: “I commute here from Hesse. Events up to 100 people are already allowed under certain circumstances. Maybe this will be possible soon.”

Revenue failures can no longer be made up

Other operators can look more relaxed about this, for example the Cosmar family, which has recently been operating the castle restaurant in Rimpar. “Of course there is currently no wedding with us. We have postponed the current dates to autumn or next year free of charge, if desired,” says Susan Cosmar. However, this is also easier for their company because “we would have to close our restaurant for a wedding and can now open it instead.” Her husband Jens and she only went to the “Rokoko” in Veitshchheim in January for a long time, a popular wedding location in Rimparer Schloss.

“We wanted to shrink overall. But shortly after we opened, we had to close again. These revenue shortfalls can no longer be made up,” says Susan Cosmar, who hopes that the wedding season can start this summer.

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