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When the United States summons its allies to repatriate its jihadists

During a meeting in Rome, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recalled that around 10,000 Islamic State fighters were still being held in Syria in camps run by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), mostly made up of Kurdish militiamen. In his eyes, this situation is “Untenable”. In the process, he launched: “The United States urges countries of origin, including coalition partners, to repatriate, rehabilitate and, where appropriate, prosecute their citizens. “ For Antony Blinken, this would be the best solution so as not to see Daesh reborn from its ashes.

This is, to say the least (d) surprising. The hypothesis of the “rehabilitation” of terrorists is a joke in bad taste. Even the most fanatic of God had not dared to go that far. Let’s move on. As for repatriation, the American Secretary of State speaks of it all the more lightly because his country is not concerned, for geographical reasons that are easily understood. It is very easy to teach others a lesson once you wash your hands of it.

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Certainly, in the recent past, the United States has boasted of having repatriated American jihadists. But that implied in all and for all 27 nationals “made in the USA”, to be compared with those who remain on Syrian soil. Beyond this mathematical observation which reflects the scale of the problem, one wonders how Antony Blinken is justified in dictating to Europeans (since it is mainly them) what to do.

Guantánamo, tropical gulag

If it is a question of humanitarian considerations, that the United States begin by repatriating to their soil the prisoners still present in the Guantánamo camp, without ever having been tried, but after having been tortured. This prison was opened in 2002 to lock up suspected members of Al-Qaida in connection with the attacks of September 11, 2001. It has counted up to 800 prisoners, the vast majority of whom are not guilty. There are 40 left, locked in a tropical gulag that Barack Obama was supposed to close and which is still in operation.

If it is a question of preventing a possible resumption of jihadism, the United States would be well advised to put an end to the bombings which it carries out as it pleases in the Middle East, at the risk of nourishing a hatred of the West which plays into the hands of radical Islamism.

READ ALSO :“We are not getting rid of Guantánamo”

Iraq and Syria are entitled to it at regular intervals. Each time, the White House assures that it only targets Shiite militias linked to Iran, as Israel is also doing. Admittedly, the accusation is sometimes founded. But it does not give any legitimacy to military operations violating the sovereignty of the countries concerned and leaving innocent victims immediately forgotten on the ground. Or we must stop denouncing Russia when it does the same in the name of the fight against jihadism and support for the Syrian regime.

The forgotten Kurds

If it is a question of finding a way out for the Kurdish militiamen who find themselves with jihadists to be watched for an indefinite period, in camps which are often sieves, the intention is laudable. But in this case, Antony Blinken should start by turning to his friend Erdogan, the claimed sultan of a country that hunts down Kurds more easily than jihadists, often walking the talk. On the ground, Turkey is playing a dangerous double game that the United States does not want to see, in order to reintroduce Ankara into their geostrategic device, even if it means abandoning the Kurdish militiamen who have been at the forefront of the fight against Daesh.

Suffice to say that the fate of jihadists imprisoned in the Middle East cannot be treated lightly, by beating his neck on the chest of others, as Antony Blinken does. Like others, France has been wounded in its flesh by the terrorist attacks, and no one can ask it to pass the sponge lightly.

READ ALSO :Do not abandon the Kurds of Syria: the open letter of a fighter to Brigitte Macron

This does not mean that we should put everyone in the same basket, terrorists, wives of terrorists, children of terrorists. But that requires prudence, restraint and a spirit of responsibility, all things that the American Secretary of State seems to forget, who washes his hands while forgetting the possible consequences of his recommendations.

Since Antony Blinken, who has lived in France for a long time, perfectly handles Voltaire’s language, he will be advised to sweep in front of his door before giving advice on cleanliness.

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