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when the obligation is halfway

On days that mark the mandatory nature of the Green pass for those who go to work it may be interesting to remember that in Italy various “hybrid zones” continue to exist, areas or work structures where people who are obliged to show the Green pass and people who have no obligations other than the use of the mask can live together. Closed. Perhaps the most sensational case is that of the Courts where the judges, the clerks and the attendants (including the cleaners) must show the Green Certificate while the lawyers and the public do not. Another “half Green pass” area are supermarkets or shops whose employees are required to obtain a certificate while customers do not, even if the comings and goings are continuous and the orders often meet hundreds of people every day.

Half green pass, transport

Another hybrid segment is that of regional transport and ferries. Even here since yesterday the employees must have the pass if they want to work and instead the passengers do not. Same music on local transport where, however, it must be said that the train drivers and bus drivers do not have close contact with passengers and also that the latter generally remain on board for a limited period of time.
The “hybrid zones” arouse perplexity in the face of a gigantic operation such as the obligation of the Green pass in the workplace that involves about 23 million Italians who have a job. And therefore a question spontaneously arises: why do they continue to exist despite the extension of the Certificate obligation?

The answers

The answers are varied. The exclusion of lawyers from the Green pass obligation in the courts (but not in their studies) is explained – simplifying the terms of the question – by the need not to skip even a trial. The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Enrico Giovannini, put it this way at the time: “There is no contradiction between having extended the Green pass to workers but also to long-distance transport passengers and the non-compulsory the regional means – said Giovannini – This was established by the CTS, the Scientific Technical Committee. It should be considered that on buses and subways the journey time is generally short, between 15 and 30 minutes on average. For long-distance airplanes, trains and ships it is then possible to check the Green Pass already with the self-declaration at the time of the obligatory and nominative booking of the trip and the subsequent check of the ticket ».

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«The competence to manage local public transport belongs to the Regions and other local bodies – continued the minister – the State is entitled to finance. And for the second half of the year we have fielded 600 million for additional services and 800 million to compensate for the lower revenues due to the limitations of the capacity of the vehicles and the increase in costs due, for example, to sanitization. In recent months it can be estimated an increase in the offer during peak hours of about 20%. We then made decisions to distribute the demand load with incentives to businesses and administrations that have made plans in this direction. Finally, before the reopening of the schools, the individual Regions, with which we have been working on the issue since April, sent us their plans to increase the means of local transport in order to reduce the number of passengers ».


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