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When should you quarantine?

The absence this Wednesday morning during the press conference of the interfederal spokesperson for the fight against Covid-19, Yves Van Laethem, in quarantine since it was in contact with an infected person, allows us to recall the rules related to quarantine according to the situations and the risks of transmission of the coronavirus.

When and how should this decision be made?

First of all, remember that you are considered a contact person if you have had contact with an infected person (case confirmed by a test) two days before the onset of symptoms and until the end of the contamination period. Usually 7 days, but it can be longer. If the infected person has performed a PCR test, the period starts 2 days before the sample and up to 7 days after. Finally, in some cases, these measures may apply in the event of a strong suspicion of Covid-19. For more details, do not hesitate to consult the proposed document here by the Sciensano Institute.

►►► Read also : All the info on the coronavirus

High risk or close contact

The risk of contamination is considered high, especially if you have had physical contact with this person for at least 15 minutes at a distance of less than 1.50m, but also if you were in a closed room, that you shared objects with him. . Ditto if you took a means of transport, it doesn’t matter which one. Finally, all travelers returning from a red or orange zone. This list is a summary and does not include all the details, especially for health professionals or nurseries and schools. For all the details, it’s here.


In the event of high-risk contact, quarantine is required for 14 days after the last contact. It is possible to go out for small essential purchases as long as you wear a fabric mask and follow the usual hygiene measures. Caution is advised with people who live under the same roof. If they develop symptoms of the coronavirus, the 14-day period begins again. Exceptions to these rules exist again, especially for health professionals. Details here.

The test

During this quarantine period, you are also asked to avoid non-essential contact with other people and to monitor your state of health. If you think you are developing symptoms of Covid-19, you should contact your GP by phone who will explain how to get tested. Note that Sciensano specifies in his document that henceforth all close contacts (at high risk) will be tested in order to also identify asymptomatic people, but this in no way excludes the period of 14 days of isolation, and this even if the test is negative. On the other hand, if the test is positive, the search for close contacts for this person will be initiated.

►►► To read also: Here’s how South Korea deals with quarantined people

Remember that there is a attestation or quarantine certificate which you can ask your GP. It will allow you, if possible, to continue working from your home.

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