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When Should Motor Shockbreaker Be Replaced? Check Here

Bogordaily.net – When should the motorbike shockbreaker be replaced? How do you know the signs that a motorcycle shock breaker needs to be replaced? What are the characteristics of damage to the motorbike shockbreaker?

If you are confused and want to know the following, we will review this, when to replace it and what are its characteristics.

Shockbreaker is one of the important components on the legs of a motorcycle that functions as a vibration damper.

How to Know When a Motor Shockbreaker Must Be Replaced

In order to know when it’s time to replace the shock absorber, you need to pay attention to some signs of damage to the shock absorber, including:

The suspension does not function optimally: the rider will feel the difference in the suspension, such as feeling harder than usual when crossing a bumpy road or hearing a loud grumbling sound from the tires.

When pressing the motorcycle handlebar and releasing it, pay attention to the movement of the shockbreaker.

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If the shockbreaker returns too quickly to its original position, this is a sign that this component is not functioning optimally.

Rear tire wobbling or wobbling: while riding a motorcycle, the rider may feel the rear tire wobbling or wobbling, even on relatively level roads.

Leaking oil: oil is part important from the work of the components on the shockbreaker. If you notice oil drips from the suspension, maybe the shockbreaker is damaged.

Shockbreaker “stuck” on a flat road: if the shockbreaker feels “stuck” while driving on a flat road, then it is a sign that the shockbreaker can no longer work normally.

In addition, there are two methods for checking the condition of a damaged shockbreaker, namely:

Seeing physically: check the rear shockbreaker, especially on the axle tube whether there is oil seepage or not. If there is, then it needs to be repaired or replaced with a new one.

Riding a motorbike in tandem: feel the slam of the rear shockbreaker.

If the force behind the shockbreaker feels too rocking, this is a sign of a leak in the shockbreaker.

It is better to check the motorbike shockbreaker after the vehicle has entered the age of more than 2 years.

Routine maintenance by changing the oil and checking periodically will make it easier to find out when it is time to replace the shockbreaker.

Remember that a good and functioning shock absorber is important for driving comfort and safety.

Thus the reviews and information regarding when a motorbike shockbreaker should be replaced along with its characteristics and how to care for it. ***

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