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When Putin announced that the Russian S-300 was superior to the American patriot!

Because each side insists first on winning the battle and then thinking about negotiating on the negotiating table.

President Joe Biden also told Ukrainian President Zelensky at the White House that the talks would only take place if Ukraine could recapture key areas in Ukraine from Russia.

It is not known who has the greatest destructive potential between the US Patriot and the Russian S-300.

But, of course, if both sides try to prove who has the upper hand, it will mean that Ukrainian and Russian troops will face much more casualties.

As a result, the Battle of Ukraine has become a showroom of a frenzied US-Russian arms race.

But when every side has high stakes The arms race became a more important bargaining tool than diplomatic expertise.

in the pre-war period Russia tried to convince Ukrainians that the United States is using them as “Geopolitical insurance premiums”

And he warned that America is not a true friend.

and ready to abandon Ukraine as it did recently with Afghanistan

(Indeed, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has said that if the US hadn’t stopped tinkering with Afghanistan, it likely wouldn’t have the weapons and other resources to help Ukraine as it does today.)

Over the past 10 months, Washington has spent $65 billion on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Biden and Zelensky sit in a room in the White House where the US side insists on siding with Ukraine. “No matter how long it takes” (as long as it takes)

“This year has brought unnecessary suffering and loss to the Ukrainian people,” Biden said at a joint White House press conference.

“But I want you to know that the American people are with you every step of the way. And we will be with you as long as it takes,” Biden said.

But Zelensky did not realize that the promises of the US president can change depending on the situation and the outcome of the elections every four years.

Because Selensky touched former President Donald. Trump has been here before.

Washington’s commitments and commitments are invariably variable in the ever-changing definition of US interests under the leadership of the president.

Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the US allies are facing a long and difficult winter due to high energy prices and the resulting economic problems.

And a poll of Americans found that at least a third did not support continuing US aid to Ukraine.

And half of the respondents said they wanted Ukraine to end the war and achieve peace. “as soon as possible”

US Congressmen, though both Democrats and Republicans, agree on a larger scale that Russian influence should be curbed by supporting Ukraine.

But some Republicans want more controls on Ukraine’s aid payments.

Many Republican lawmakers and senators have come out to say the same thing. “We want to help Ukraine. But we don’t want to sign blank checks without rigorous scrutiny.”

Selenski, therefore, used the stage in his speech to Congress that day to emphasize that US help. “It’s not a charitable donation.”

Rather, it is an “investment” in upholding US and Western values ​​of democracy and freedom.

over the past year Congress approved about 67 billion dollars in economic, military and economic aid to Ukraine.

The 2023 congressional spending package, ready to pass easily in the House, will include an additional $45 billion in aid to Ukraine.

But getting some extra help in the new year can be more challenging than it seems.

Fifty-seven Republicans in the 435-seat House of Representatives and 11 in the 100-seat Senate voted against a “one-off” relief package in May.

And polls indicate that Republican support for continued aid has declined since then.

More than half of Republican voters support aid to Ukraine in a poll conducted in November, down from 80% in March.

for American Politics Unsurprisingly, some Republicans during the midterm campaign last month openly questioned why the United States was “slowing down.” hence investing large sums of money in distant countries

Rather than funding border security and the fight against domestic crime,

Zelensky must have studied this trend in the US Congress.

Therefore, in his speech he tried to elaborate on the issues that addressed those questions and concerns.

“We have cannons. But that’s not enough to repel aggression from Russia,” Zelensky announced to Congress.

and immediately added that “In order for the Russian army to withdraw completely. We need more guns and ammunition.”

It is also worth noting that in Zelensky’s speeches the word “battle” is mentioned much more often than “peace”.

Or perhaps this Ukrainian leader concluded before flying to Washington that he needed to focus on protecting Western values ​​over Ukraine’s survival.

Hear the response of American politicians that day. assessment “Former comedian” Selensky was “catching the joke” in the audience of him, not so wrong.

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