The Cameroonian Minister of Finance, Louis Paul Motazé, has just announced in a circular letter addressed to members of the government, heads of companies and public establishments and municipal executives, the launch of an audit of the stock of the government’s domestic debt, as of December 31, 2019. Here is another smoke to hide the incompetence and cruelty of the regime on the mortgage on the lives of present and future generations.
The World Bank’s 2017-2018 report on public expenditure in Cameroon highlighted overbilling in many projects as well as excessive project delays. These are the issues that need to be tackled instead of talking about the audit. debt which in reality is one of the missions assigned to the CCA Autonomous Amortization Fund at its creation.
The CCA’s mission is to give more visibility to the Cameroonian public debt since if it does its job well we should know the state of the Cameroonian debt, the different amounts, the different creditors and deadlines.
Where does it come from that Mr. Motaze, instead of carrying out an audit on the origin of the debt, rather seeks to audit this debt. Smoke as the Biya regime knows how to do because will it audit the 18 billion debt contracted with the Indians for the tractors of Ebolowa? Should it audit the Chinese debt for the Mekin dam while so is Hydromekin’s PCA? Will he audit on agropoles and white elephant projects that he piloted while he was at MINEPAT?
Source: Albin Njilo