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When Museum Visits Go Wrong: Tales of Costly Mistakes and Vandalism

Going to the museum is fun. But when you have the IQ of an old oyster, it can become dangerous for the wallet. Imagine your exit ending up costing you 3 times your house mortgage. That would suck, huh? Really sucked…

The little hollow at 120,000 balls

At the same time, when you expose a banana, you have to expect a teubé to pass by and knock it out. You know what it’s the height for a fruit lover? It’s taking a plum in the pear for eating a banana, lol.

Teubés who take Auschwitz for Ibiza

Well no, it’s not really the place to take a selfie and take photos on the rails, bunch of truffles. A little respect and reverence, please.

Ditto for those who do Parkour on the blocks of the Holocaust

I prefer not to spread myself too much on the subject where I could say words which do not exceed my thought, but which would be a bit too vulgar for an online article.

The security guard who drew on a work

His rationale? He was bored. So. Logical, therefore, to go and add eyes to the faces of the painting “Three Figures” by Anna Leporskaya. Yes, a work estimated at 879,000 euros. It’s hard to do worse on the first day of work, sir.

Those who throw soup on the boards

Will really have to explain to me how to waste food, and not to respect the cleaning staff of the museum, it’s a smart way to send a green message. What is the next step ? Swing paintings on soups?

A couple who tag a work by mistake

In 2021, in Seoul, a couple finds themselves in front of a work of street-art. Don’t ask me why, they think it’s a kind of collective artistic experience, and add a small note of painting to the work. It’s stupid, because it was not an experiment at all, and they thus vandalized a fresco estimated at $440,000. There really are days when you better not go to the museum, if you ask me.

The $15,000 nervous breakdown

Ouch, the dumpling that is expensive. 2016, Ningbo, China. LEGO opens a major exhibition, and among the works: a large statue of Nick, the rather mims fox from Zootopia. A few hours after the opening, a child decides to go and put a good blow in it to demolish it. For a construction estimated at $15,000, that hurts. Even worse than when you step on one of these briquettes, that is to say.

The bowl over a million dollars

So yes, calling him a teubé might be a little too much. Let’s just say that this child was not good with both legs… While visiting a museum in Taiwan, he stumbles, tries to catch himself by clinging to a painting, and ends up perforating the work of Paolo Porpora estimated at $1.5 million.

The guy who tramples on a work without capturing

In April 2017, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice is exhibiting works by Yves Klein, known for the famous Klein blue. While the museum is organizing a press conference, one of the guests has visibly stepped back without looking at his mirrors, since he ended up with both feet on a work. I let you identify the author of the dumpling on the photo just below.

The town hall of Toulouse which has a short memory

Imagine, you are a town hall. You want to please our fellow citizens, so you order a dozen portraits that you distribute all over the city, initially for 5 months. Then presto, a few days later, the city services wiped out almost half of it. Lol. That would be stupid, right?

2023-05-05 14:05:49
#Top #dumbest #people #museums #kick

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