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“When Loneliness Becomes Overwhelming, Take Refuge in Solitude”

Feather Pen / Sakul Bunyatat

“Human coexistence It was a spiritual state that was extremely valuable to one’s existence. It’s a complex mechanism of faith. that reverts to the opportunity in every moving occasion…the realization of the way of the intention in each way It is the profound effect of observing each life’s life…hope, challenge, or even complete failure that life cannot heal and prevent..”

The basic true essence..is the meaning that is worth provoking from the book. powerful for awareness in all aspects of life To connect to a peaceful victory..on the way of having the opportunity to live together..

“Together”…a book of excavating life through observations that…when loneliness is lonely Hides seamlessly behind the many problems in people’s lives and the struggles of society. By stating the mood of the life situation in each chapter out that .. “loneliness is a big deceiver”

Valuable writings of Dr. “Vivek H. Murthy”..who holds the position Chief physician of the United States Advocates across the country have drawn attention to serious public health issues, such as e-cigarettes. The epidemic of opioids Health and emotional well-being As the leader of the U.S. Public Health Service Corps.

“This is a book about the relationship between human beings. The hidden impact that loneliness has on our health and social power of the community… as a physician I feel the need to mention these issues due to loss both physically and emotionally increasing from the lack of social relations Everywhere I’ve observed in the last 20..30 years

However, what I didn’t expect It is a kind of test that has never appeared before that people around the world. faced at the time this book was nearing publication.”

“Vivek” was impressed with many lessons. that he learned during the writing of this book. which corresponds directly to the situation that occurs He thought that strengthening social ties It will allow us to stand up for our community and protect each other as well. He uses a 4-step approach to help us stand up. able to overcome various crises in life It will also help heal our society in the future…

1. is the first way to accept loneliness In building connections with others and in building strong connections with ourselves…solitude allows us to do just that. It facilitates us to explore our creativity to connect with nature… art, music, prayer, prayer, and spending time outdoors. will help cause joy and comfort when alone

2. Helping and accepting help…as well as doing good is a form of human relationship that reminds us of both giving and receiving. It helps to strengthen our social bonds. Asking for advice from our neighbors, asking for advice, or even smiling at a stranger six feet away…all of these things will make us stronger..

3. Pay attention to one another. By eliminating deviations. While interacting with others, forget about multitasking. And give the gift of your full attention to those you interact with. And if possible..make eye contact and really listen to them..

4.Finally..we should spend time each day with the people we love. Not limited to close people who share your house with you Approach other important people in your life. Over the phone, or better yet, through a teleconferencing system. or video conferencing as well This will help you to hear and see each other…spend at least 15 minutes a day to connect with the people you care about the most..

“I didn’t grow up in the public eye or in politics. I am a child of the medical field. I spent most of my childhood in my parents’ clinic. Father works as a physician The mother is in charge of managing all other parts. My sister and I spent most of the afternoon. After school, help with paperwork Filing patient files, greeting patients and cleaning..

This is where I found inspiration. In stepping into the medical field…I saw people enter with an anxious look and leave calmly…”

This is the kind of medical ideal that “Vivek” wants to do…it’s a way of leadership. The way he aspired to be. So he decided to listen. before setting some decision-making agendas for work and planning

That means taking time and means showing up where there are Americans. “We’re going to talk to people. What do they want?…These talks play an important role in shaping my work. During my tenure and beyond, it pushed me to produce the first US General’s report. With the drug crisis and creating a national campaign to tackle the opioid epidemic…and because of these teachers That inspired me to produce the first Federal Report on Youth E-Cigarette Use in 2016.”

When we combine the will of helping each other We will experience the beauty of the life processes that harmonize with each other, the precious implications of all things. It is the foundation of thoughtful reflection. and practically profound core living together Living by merging hearts with each other is The Sum of the Worlds with a Shining Meaning There is no destruction of each other’s identities. There was no insult to each other’s status in the realm of consciousness. Unity is possible and finally Becoming the highest concept of life will envelop everything until eternity..

“Orawan Khuhacharoen Nawayut and Sanya Nawayut” Translating this book is powerful, valuable and enlightening..It is an extension of the national dialogue of the medical community within the context of limited awareness and narrow awareness. open to wider expansion Whether it is in the dimension of medicine, doctors, hospitals, including the state of indifference in human relationships. which is the main foundation that sustains the identity of our lives…

“Together” is the depth of the substance of the book that should truly be evident in today’s world..

“The biggest challenge that we face today namely, how do we create a people-centered life and world.?…While many challenges arise from The deep loneliness of the individual lack of relationship ..which in the face of such pain There are only a few healing powers. as powerful as real relationships ..caused by love..”

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