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When J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, defends … Koen Geens

When J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, defends … Koen Geens – © All rights reserved

The scene has toured social networks in Belgium … and is now entertaining the international press. While visiting this Thursday a workshop for crafting fabric masks in Wijgmaal (Leuven), Federal Minister of Justice Koen Geens (CD&V) wanted to set an example by putting on a lovely protective mask.

But he apparently had some difficulties, finding himself with the mask on the forehead, then on the eyes, arousing the hilarity of the seamstresses present. “I feel like my ears are too big“, he justified himself.

Incompetent with inanimate objects

The video made a lot of people laugh, but also aroused the empathy of some. To start with Joanne Rowling, famous for having imagined the Harry Potter saga. “I can’t make fun of this man, she begins in a message posted on Twitter this Saturday, May 2. This is exactly the kind of thing I would do, even more if I was filmed.

The writer with 14 million followers says to herself “incompetent with inanimate objects“And add:”I would be sweating and say to myself: ‘Don’t put it bad, don’t put it bad’… before inevitably transforming [le masque] in banner.

This reaction was not lost on the main interested party who addressed his thanks to J. K. Rowling while acknowledging his side “clumsy“.

News topic of May 1, 2020: Koen Geens visits a mask factory in Leuven

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