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When it becomes dangerous to go to work

“Where’s my money !?” “Hear!” “Pussy!” NAV employee Ann-Kristin Østreng never goes into a place alone.

Environmental worker Maya Larsen feels the same way: – I never stand with my back to people. Never. Some places.

Psychologist specialist Svein Atle Alfarnes goes with an alarm attached to the belt.

Ambulance worker Lars Vereide was stabbed. – It is becoming increasingly risky to work in the service.

Østreng and the others are pieces of a violent and scary labor statistic.


Violence. Punch. Cut. Threats. In the worst case, murder. Nevertheless, first-line workers go to work every single day.

Most accidents happen at home, but for Nav employees Ann-Kristin Østreng, the job can be scary. She has been called a whore, pussy and uglier thing by people who in the next sentence have roared “where is my money”. She has had angry men on her face while they have called to her. Went with violence alarm, waited for tough minutes for police help, was worried about handguns, knife or violence. All this has been part of the employment contract she has signed. When Østreng is going on a work visit, she parks the car in the direction of travel. That way she can escape quickly.

For the past eight years, the 51-year-old has experienced that two like her – Nav-employed women who work with a special group of users – have been killed with a knife. The last time this happened was in Bergen in September this year.

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