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When is the flu shot recommended? Woman and MOTHER today

The influenza vaccination campaign 2022/23 It starts this year earlier than ever in some autonomous communities, such as Andalusia (which will start on October 3) and Aragon (which starts vaccinating in nursing homes this week and will continue with the general population from October 10). Last year the flu vaccination campaign had already been brought forward to the first half of October to help prevent the possible coexistence of Covid 19 and the flu. This year some autonomous communities, such as Andalusia, will take advantage of the flu vaccination campaign to offer the second booster dose of the Covid vaccine.

In July, the Inter-territorial Health Council (made up of representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities) published the “Influenza vaccine recommendations for the 2022-2023 season” indicating In which cases is the influenza vaccine of the 2022-23 season recommended, although later, the autonomous communities, which are the ones carrying out the vaccination campaigns, can add other groups at risk. For example, in Andalusia this year it is recommended that all children between 6 months and 5 years of age be vaccinated.

In what cases should he be vaccinated against the flu

The vaccine is aimed at people at greatest risk of complications from the virus. complaint and those who can transmit the virus to other people
at high risk of complications. It is also recommended to vaccinate people who, due to their employment, provide essential services in the community and people with occupational exposure to avian or swine viruses

As happened last year, due to synergistic effect or between influenza virus and covid virus 19 which double the risk of death in case of co-infection, it is again recommended to increase vaccination coverage against influenza, especially in

  • Elderly people, preferably over the age of 65 (attention, many autonomous communities recommend vaccinating against influenza over 60 years of age).
  • People of any age with risk conditions
  • Health and social-health personnel

Therefore, for the 2022-23 season, the flu shot is recommended for:

1. Over 65s

The vaccine will preferably be given after 65 years of age (many autonomous communities lower the age to 60), c

2. Under 65 years of age at high risk of complications of the flu

  • Minors (from 6 months) and adults with chronic diseases cardiovascularneurological or respiratory, including bronchopulmonary dysplasia, asthmaand cystic fibrosis.
  • Minors (from 6 months) and adults with diabetes, obesity morbid disease celiacchronic inflammatory diseases, disorders and diseases that lead to cognitive dysfunction (such as Down syndrome or dementia), chronic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome, hemoglobinopathies and anemia, hemophilia and other coagulation disorders and chronic bleeding disorders, chronic liver disease, immunosuppression (due to HIV infection, drugs, etc.), cancer and blood diseases malignant, cerebrospinal fluid fistula or cochlear implant in anticipation and severe neuromuscular diseases
  • People of any age who reside in an institution for a long time.
  • Children from 6 months following prolonged treatment with acetylsalicylic acid, due to the risk of developing Reye’s syndrome after the flu.
  • S pregnant in any trimester of pregnancy and women who are in the stage of puerperium (up to 6 months later partwho were not vaccinated during pregnancy).
  • Children aged 6 months to 2 years who have been born earlybefore 32nd week of pregnancy.

3. People who could pass the flu on to others who could have complications

  • Personnel working in public and private health centers and primary and specialist care services and hospitals, and in pharmacies, with particular attention to personnel who have regular contact with patients belonging to high-risk groups.
  • Internship students in health and social health centers.
  • Workers in geriatric institutions and chronically ill care centers, especially if they have regular contact with patients belonging to high-risk groups.
  • People who care for elderly or high-risk people at home.
  • People living with someone who belongs to one of the high-risk groups.

4. Other groups

4.1 Essential Public Workers

  • State security forces and bodies, with national, regional or local dependence.
  • Emergency health service workers.
  • Civil Protection Services
  • Fireman
  • The staff of prisons and other centers of internment by judicial decision (such as reception centers for immigrants).

4.2. People who are exposed to pigs and domestic or wild birds at work

As in previous years, influenza vaccination is also recommended for people who are exposed to domestic poultry or pigs on poultry or pig farms or operations to reduce the risk of co-infection with human and avian or swine viruses and the possibility of recombination or genetic exchange between these viruses.

Children under 9 who are first vaccinated against influenza will receive two doses

In the “Influenza vaccination recommendations, season 2022-2023” it is also indicated that minors with risk conditions will receive doses of 0.5 ml from 6 months of age (regardless of the vaccine administered). In the children under the age of 9 who have been vaccinated for the first time against influenzatwo doses of the vaccine will be administered with a minimum interval between doses of 4 weeks and subsequent seasons, a single dose.


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