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When is it (morbid) obesity’s turn for the corona vaccine?

Heleen asked us that question. And she also wonders how she will find out whether this is known to the authorities, and whether she should report herself to the doctor or elsewhere.

To answer this question, we will start with the letter to Parliament from Minister Hugo de Jonge of 20 November. In a general sense, it is discussed who has a turn first. The first group: residents of nursing homes: “It concerns approximately 130,000 people who are inpatient”, De Jonge writes. Intramural means: stay in an institution or at home with care that is comparable to care in an institution.

All 265,000 employees of the nursing homes are also vaccinated first, and the people ‘in various forms of living, which are sometimes indistinguishable from a nursing home’. That’s another 20,000 to 25,000.

People over 60

Then it is the turn of the over-60s with a medical indication, starting with the oldest people, then the over-60s without a medical indication. You can see the whole list in the figure below:

People with (morbid) obesity are not mentioned. In the first instance, it concerns people who would also receive a call for the flu shot. The same people are now also the first to receive a call for an early vaccination for the corona virus, says Annet Janssen of the Dutch College of General Practitioners.

Morbid obesity is not an indication for flu shot

And that does not include people with morbid obesity, if they do not have other underlying suffering. The general practitioner retrieves the information for the flu shot from the General Practitioner Information System (HIS). Morbid obesity does not automatically come to the fore, says Janssen.

But Heleen’s question is logical, because for people who are quite overweight, corona is definitely more dangerous than for people who don’t. Janssen advises to call your doctor. “If that lady is concerned, she can do it. That boils down to customization.”

Below 60, no indication

In the first instance, people with obesity under the age of 60 and without any other indication belong to the group ‘people under 60 years without medical indication’, the group that has the last turn.

However, Minister Hugo de Jonge writes in his letter: “Within this group we can also further prioritize. In doing so, we look on the one hand at reducing the spread of the virus (the epidemiological situation), and on the other hand at maintaining vital sectors. Ultimately, the intention is that everyone in the Netherlands can be vaccinated against the corona virus. “

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