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When is April Fool’s Day in Argentina and why is it not celebrated on April 1

Learn everything about this celebration in our country and in other places around the world.


In Argentina, April Fool’s Day is celebrated on December 28, aligning itself with the tradition of other Latin American countries and the Catholic tradition. It is celebrated on this date for a biblical event: the massacre of the innocents ordered by King Herod. Herod, fearing that he would lose his throne upon the birth of the “King of the Jews” (Jesus Christ), ordered the killing of all children under two years of age in Bethlehem.

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This tragic event is remembered by the Catholic Church as the Day of the Holy Innocents, marking a moment of mourning and remembrance.

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What does April Fool’s Day mean?

However, with the passage of time, the meaning of this day evolved, especially in countries with Hispanic culture like Argentina. During the Middle Ages, the date began to be associated with a tradition of making jokes y innocent deceptions. This practice could have its origins in the idea of ​​commemorating not only the sadness of the massacre, but also the cunning of the Three Wise Men, who deceived Herod by not revealing the whereabouts of Jesus. In this way, the solemn tone of the date was mixed with a more playful spirit.


During the Middle Ages, the date began to be associated with a tradition of innocent pranks and deceptions.

In Argentina, the Day of the Innocents It became a day to make jokes and play with credulity of others. It is common that friends y relatives with make jokes with each other with small traps or deceptions, always maintaining a harmless character y funny.

Despite the change in the way of celebrating, the April Fool’s Day in Argentina continues to have a background of reflection. This date allows us to remember the importance of innocence, cunning and the ability to find joy even in historical moments of sadness. The tradition of joking serves as a reminder of not taking things too seriously and of the human ability to transform pain into something positive.

Why April Fool’s Day is not celebrated in Argentina on April 1

The difference in the date of celebration of the Day of the Innocents between some Spanish-speaking countries, such as Argentina, and those that celebrate it on April 1, such as the United States and several European countries, is due to different origins and traditions.

In Spanish-speaking countries, the Day of the Innocents is celebrated on December 28th, rooted in a religious tradition that commemorates the biblical passage of the massacre of the innocents by order of King Herod. This celebration originated in the Christian context and has been part of religious culture since medieval times. Over time, it mixed with local customs, becoming a day of jokes and fun, but maintaining the date of December 28 for its religious significance.

On the other hand, April 1 is the day on which the April Fools’ Day (April Fool’s Day) in many countries in Europe, North America and other parts of the world. This tradition has a different origin and is not directly associated with the biblical account of King Herod. One of the theories about the origin of this date It is related to the change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar in France during the 16th century, when the New Year was moved from April 1 to January 1. Those who continued to celebrate the New Year in April were the subject of ridicule and jokes.

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